Desk duty

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Kylie pov
*I woke up at 6am and got out of bed I was still a little bit stiff and sore but I was still able to head into work but I was just gonna ask if I could do desk duty cause I hate staying home anyways I got a shower and got ready for work*

Kylie pov *I woke up at 6am and got out of bed I was still a little bit stiff and sore but I was still able to head into work but I was just gonna ask if I could do desk duty cause I hate staying home anyways I got a shower and got ready for work*

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*I put this outfit on and I put my badge and gun on and I put my hair in a high ponytail and I headed out of the bathroom at 7 am on the dot so I went and woke up paisley and got her ready for daycare*

*I put this outfit on and I put her hair in a bun on top of her head and we went downstairs and I made her a fruit bowl to eat while I packed her lunch and we were out the door at 7:30 so I dropped her off at daycare and we got to the district at ...

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*I put this outfit on and I put her hair in a bun on top of her head and we went downstairs and I made her a fruit bowl to eat while I packed her lunch and we were out the door at 7:30 so I dropped her off at daycare and we got to the district at 7:57 am*
Trudy:welcome back Kylie !
Kylie:thanks Trudy !
*we headed upstairs and I went to sarges office*
Hank:Kylie ! What are you doing here ?
Kylie:I wanted to come back
Hank:are you ok ?
Kylie:not 100% but I was wondering if I could do desk duty ?
Hank:yeah sure ! But before you come back to active duty you need to get cleared by a doctor
Kylie:will do sarge
*I headed downstairs*
Kylie:hey Trudy !
Trudy:what are you doing down here !?
Kylie:I'm not cleared for active duty yet
Trudy:oh ok ! Well can you start by adding these files into the system im going to the washroom !
Kylie:sure 100%
*as I was putting them into the system a girl came in with tears in her eyes *
?:excuse me !
Kylie:hi ! Can I help you ?
?:yeah my parents are abusing me
Kylie:ok can I have your name please ?
?:ruby ! Ruby smith
Kylie:hi ruby ! I'm detective Kylie Severide how about we go talk in here ok
*I take ruby into the spare room and I sit her down*
Kylie:ok ruby can you tell me what's going on at home ?
Ruby:um so my parents are heavy drinkers and drug addicts I was in foster care but they changed for a while and they got custody again but now everything is gone back to the way it was before
Kylie:ok Ruby and how do they abuse you ! Now please take your time
Ruby:they will hit and punch me and they even starve me for 3 days straight as a punishment
Kylie:ok I'm going to call down another detective friend of mine and we'll get his input on it
Ruby:why can't you help me ?
Kylie:because I got injured on the job and I'm not aloud to leave the district
Kylie:I'll be right back ok !
Trudy:Kylie ! What are you doing ?
Kylie:long story but can you stay with this girl until I come back
Trudy:ok yeah ! Hi sweetie I'm Trudy !
Ruby:hi I'm Ruby !
*I head up over the bullpen stairs and I see everyone at there desk*
Hank:got a problem Kylie ?
Kylie:yeah I got a small girl downstairs abuse victim her parents are abusing them so can I take jay and Erin down with me
Hank:yeah yeah go ahead
Jay:what's her name ?
Kylie:ruby smith
Erin:any details ?
Kylie:parents are drug addicts and alcoholics ruby was taken out of the home 6 years ago but the parents "changed" and they got custody' back but now there back to square 1
Erin:is she in here ?
Kylie:hi ruby ! These are my friends detective Erin Lindsay and detective Jay Halstead
Ruby:hi !
Erin:hi ruby ! We are here to help you ok
Jay:what are your parents names ruby ?
Ruby:Jared smith and Ashley Jones
Erin:2 different last names ?
Ruby:yeah my biological mom passed away when I was 3 and Ashley is my dads girlfriend
Jay:ok Ruby and do you know your address or where your parents may be ?
Ruby:my dad is at the bar down on south street he's always there and Ashley is at home I think
Erin :k do you know your home address
Ruby:yeah it's across the road it's the red house with the yellow door
Jay:yeah ! I see that house all the time on the way to work
Ruby:that's my house !
Erin:ok Ruby your doing awesome ! We are going to go arrest your parents know ok !
Ruby:ok !
Kylie:is there any family I can call for you sweetie ?
Ruby:I have a older sister she's 23
Kylie:do you have her number ?
Kylie:that's ok ! What's her name ?
Ruby:Rhianna smith
Kylie:ok and is she in Chicago ?
Ruby:yes !
Kylie:ok I'm going to go call her ok !
*I head out to the front desk and I call Rhianna and she is coming down to get Ruby so I go back behind the desk keeping a close eye on Ruby as i watch people come in and out I get a text from jay saying that the parents have been arrested so I go out to district Ruby while he brings them in through the back*
Kylie:so Ruby your sister is on her way here and your parents have been arrested and they are on there way in now
Ruby:will they see me !
Kylie:no ! They won't
Ruby:good cause I don't want to see there faces ever again
Kylie:hopefully you won't !
*I stay with Ruby until
Her sister comes and collects her i let Rhianna know everything that was happening and I get her to sigh the paper works to try and become rubys legal guardian and she leaves and then Hank comes downstairs and tells me to go home cause he left everyone have the day off as he had to go address something so I headed upstairs and went in the locker room to get my stuff*
Adam:Kylie ! We are all
Going to mollys if you want do join us ?
Kylie:sure ! I'll get Kelly to come and watch paisley
Adam:k see you then
*I grab my stuff and I meet jay downstairs and we head out to the truck and we drive home*

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