13: That's a nest?!

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Averil's pov
I tossed and turn and eventually fell on the floor. I thought it would be a good idea to sleep on the couch but it was just as uncomfortable as sharing a room with Dane.

I felt my head with the back of my palm and my heart dropped. How did I not notice I was going into heat?! What the fuck.

Slick gushed out of me in full thick amounts and my body was on fire. I attempted to get the best way I can and run into the kitchen to the medical drawer.

It was more of me sluggishly swaying back and forth trying not to fall. I opened the drawer up and took two suppressants dry. The bedroom door slammed open and it was Dane.

"Fuck. Why the hell didn't you take suppressants sooner? It smells like horny omega in here." I scoffed and passed by him.

I don't even have regular heats, none of my heats are actually sexual.

He grabbed my arm roughly and I pushed him off of me. "Stop it! My fucking stomach hurts! Can't you give me a break on my heat?" I shouted.

My eyes widened and I covered my mouth.

I narrowed my eyes and looked down at my feet. "What the fuck did you say? WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY TO ME?" He pulled me by my arm making me fall down onto the wooden floor. I attempt to get up but he drags me.


I try my very best to hold the corner of a wall but he pulls me harder making me break my grip and continue to drag me down the hallway. He stops and opens the closet door.

"Wait— shit— Dane this isn't funny seriously..!" He pushes me in the closet and locks the door.

He knows I'm scared of dark closed up spaces.

I bang on the door trying to keep my composure. "Open the door Dane! Please I'm sorry." I cried out not aware of how fast my heart was beating.

All I knew was that it was hard to breathe. "OPEN THE DOOR PLEASE IM SORRY!! IM SCARED PLEASE PLEASE DANE PLEASE!" I screamed with fear.

Two hours passed of me screaming and crying and knocking. My fist were bloody from the impact of my hits to the door.

The door opened and a satisfied Dane all dressed up in his fancy suit for work appeared. "You've learned your lesson right?"

Too tired to speak I crawl out of the closet panting heavily. "Well im off to work, don't disappoint me when I get back.. there's an a important meeting today."

I nodded once again. I didn't really care.

I watched him leave, waiting for the sound of his car driving off and I stood up on shaky legs leaning on the wall for support.

I made my way to the front door and stepped out, ignoring that i didn't have any shoes on, or that my hair was extremely messy or that I looked ran over.

I walked across the street and knocked on the pearly white door of the vampires home. I need them.

The door opened and it was Owen, he was shirtless and he was rubbing his eyes he just woke up.

He looked at me with widened eyes. "What are you doing out here angel? The sun haven't risen yet? Have you been crying?"

He pulls me into the house and lock the door. Immediately I cling onto him and breakout into a fit of cries. It was hard holding such a monotone face without breaking down.

His body tensed up and he picked me up. "Shhh.. shhh.. it's okay.. it's gonna be alright. Let's go upstairs okay?" I continued to sob in the crook of his neck.

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