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Averils pov.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. It was five am in the morning and I was being an absolute dumbass..

I was fixing myself vanilla ice cream and I got some random craving to get one of my mates blood packets and to drizzle it all over the ice cream.. Im not an actual fucking dog but I was craving fucking kibble.. KIBBLE...

I ate my bloody ice cream as I looked out the window, the sun was getting ready to shine out.  I looked out taking a view of the mountains, they were absolutely beautiful.

Fuck I want some pretzels..

I went to open the snack cabinet which was the only good think about this cabin... to me! It was too high.. why would they make the snack cabinet the highest.

I took it upon myself to climb on the counter for those fucking pretzels.. I was going to get them hoes.

I opened the wooden cabinet pulling the handle rather aggressively only to see cheese fucking puffs and a whole lot of different other shit.

I jumped off of the counter in defeat and threw the rest of my ice cream away. The fact that that weren't any pretzels in there made me so sad.

My heart was sad, I was sad.. Im sadness. I pouted.. then came tears.. yes tears.

I bit my bottom lip as I cried softly.



My eyes widen and I squinted my eyes...




I ran back to me and my mates bedroom and jumped on the bed repeatedly making them all groan, toss and turn, do the shuffle slide..

"IM PREGNANT IM PREGNANT IM PREGNANT!!" I jumped up and down while dancing on the bed.

"I'm pregnant.." I sobbed as I laid against Owens chest. My mates were doing their best to comfort me.

Cassius grabbed a tissue and wiped my snotty nose. "Yes you are sweet, and that's amazing." Malachai kissed my forehead.

"You're so strong pup you have a whole being in there." Cassius praised me making me cry harder.

Owen cooed and rubbed my stomach. "It's okay honey." I sniffled and my stomach started to growl... that made me turn into a whole mess tears were dropping down dramatically I full on bawled.

"I wanted pretzels but there's not any left and now I want blood and I want deer.."

I grabbed a pillow and began to hit malachai with it. "AND YOU FUCKING KNEW I WAS PREGNANT! I SHOULD CHOP YOUR FUCKING COCK OFF!" I growled.

"Wa-It swee—"

Cassius full on cackled.
He thinks this shit is a game?

I grabbed the scissors from the coffee table and pounced on Cassius pulling on his sweatpants.


"Honey! Calm down!" Owen grabbed my hips pushing me back.

My eye twitched. He was the main one..

Malachai's pov
Holy hell,.. pregnant Averil was no joke.. he cried about pretzels for a good two hours and then when we got them he got mad because they weren't the ones that criss crossed each other??

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