25:Some Madness and Badness, Combination.

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Averil's pov.
I wanna do something. Im tired of being in the house all day. All three of my mates were usually busy with work and the only time when I had fun was when Bailey comes home from school and I make her dinner because the others are too busy.

I tried to get them to come down because I made lasagna but they only apologized and kissed my forehead, yes in the same exact spot.

Today they were just chilling in the entertainment room where we mostly had movie nights.

I peak around the corner to see all of them were just laying around doing nothing.

Bailey was at Kinidy's and I was at my absolute last straw of boredom. I marched in the room and crossed my arms.

"If we don't do anything I'm going to fucking burst into two." I grumbled grabbing all of their attention from their phones.

Owen groaned and stretched his legs. "Honey my hands are so cramped up from painting all week, can we please just stay here?" I looked at his hands and they were clutching tightly around his phone.

Malachai is pretending to sleep and Cassius is rubbing his knuckles in 'pain'

I scoff and marched out of the room not forgetting to flick them off.

I looked around the house, bored.

Seriously what was there to do? I've been here for a month or two and I feel like I'm about to go freaking crazy!

My phone rung in my pocket and I grabbed it and looked to see Kimberly's contact popping up on the screen.

I answered the phone and her squeaking was in my ear. "Bro, the new guy I'm talking to has a nice club coming out tonight."

I gasped.

"Really oh my goodness were going!" I squealed jumping up and down in the middle of the house.

"Yessssss!! Stop im so excited! Imma pick you up be outside around 12."

"Okay! Can't wait to see you betch!!" I giggled and hanged the phone up.

I did a little mini dance and skipped back into the entertainment room happily. They all looked like lazy slugs but I didn't care.

I jumped on all three of their laps and settled my head up with my hands.

"What's got you in such a good mood?" Cassius squinted his eyes at me. "Oh nothinn! Just happy."

Hours passed and I woke up to Malachai, Owen and Cassius sleeping. I was at the end of the bed so it was easy to sneak out of the bed.

I didnt tell them I was going to the club because I wasn't supposed to be drinking and my psychologist whatever she is told me not to be in a scenery like that.

I tiptoed in the closet and picked out a black bodysuit and some shorts. They were new from last weekend when all of us went shopping.

I got dressed and prepped my hair up in a updo and placed on some jewelry. I sprayed cologne on to suppress my somewhat omega scent and left the room with sneakers in my hand.

I looked to the side to see Bailey standing in the hallway rubbing her eyes with her teddy in her hands. "Papa.. where you goin I wanna go to.."

I winced at the name and lead her back to her room and tucked her in. "I'm going somewhere I'll be back as soon as possible!" I whispered and turned the light off and closed the door.

I squeezed my shoes on and left out the back door and ran to the front. Kimberly's car was parked in the front. I opened her door and hopped in.

She looked me up and down and smirked. "Ooh! You're so bad!" She giggled referring to my outfit.

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