37: bipitty bopitty boo hoe.

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Owen's pov.
It was early in the morning, Me and Cassius were enjoying a nice cup of Lamb blood and Malachai was entertaining himself with a cup of coffee and a newspaper.

We were in our cabin  just enjoying the snow coming out for the day.

Averil was still sleep, we may have fucked him throughly the night we arrived.. the tension in the car was high and everyone was arguing with each other so we just thought we would ease it with a little love making..

"Hey, am I the only one who think that Averil is starting to smell weird?" Cassius speaks up, making me look at him with a frown.

Smelling weird? He smells like shea butter and vanilla to me..

"No like.. he doesn't smell like himself."

Malachai looks up from his newspaper and bites his lip. He often did that when he was thinking of something important.

"I agree, it's a weird scent on him.. I'm sure you can't smell it since you're an Omega and hes pregnant so he's starting to get that smell." He looks at me.

Makes sense.


"Mornin' bebs." We all stopped talking at the sight of our elegant mate, Averil. His curls were adorably messy and Malachai's business shirt was perfectly oversized.

"Good morning, pumpkin." I sang.

"Mornin puppy."

"Good morning my sweet boy."

Rubbing his eyes sleepily, Averil slumped down on the barstool and laid his head down on the counter.

"M' so sleepy." He yawned.


"Why didn't you stay in bed?" Cassius asks softly before reaching to massage his scalp.

"You guys were gone, couldn't sleep.. thought you left to have fun.." he mumbles closing his eyes.

"We'll go back to bed if you want sweetie?" I hum leaning in to kiss his cheek.

Averil's pov
I feel so sluggish.. we were walking around the mountain area, mostly the parks, my mates got pictures of the mountains but I didn't.. I just wanted to eat all the foods here and sleep but I couldn't do that without them, they were my walls of protection.

"Babes, you've been pouting the whole trip and eating back to back." Kim bumps shoulders with me as we sit down at the little mini tables if this outside restaurant, it was apart of the park so I could see my mates and the two girls, Bailey and Kinidy from afar.

"I know, im just hungry." I sighed rubbing my stomach. Kim who was sitting beside me pinches my stomach and giggles.

"Your relationship with them is amazing, you're chubby now, that's great."

My blood went cold and I looked down, my stomach had a pudge.

"Yea!" I left awkwardly before standing up.

"I think all the hungriness is just boredom eating.." Kim raises her eyebrows and pulls me to sit back down.

"Were eating, and after we eat we're going  to have fun with your men and the kiddos." She pats my back and I sigh.

She continued talking but her comment echoed in my brain.

Youre chubby now, thats great.

I feel fat now, I feel really fat, I was supposed to maintain an attractive body for them.. what if they start noticing it?

I looked over the the amusement park area and looked at Owen, he was a perfect Omega.. his body is lean, he has a semi hourglass .. everything about him is just.. amazing.

I bit my bottom lip and swallowed hard.

Am I getting these thought's because of Dane? Had he really traumatize me that much? I'm strong though, I'm not with him anymore so I shouldn't be so uptight and serious.

Im so stupid.

"Then he was like, I'm trying to take you out!" Kim laughed as she munched on her lettuce wrap.

I looked at my burger and then at her obvious more healthy option.

"Hey Kim I'm going to use the bathroom super quickly." Kim stopped talking and she gave me a thumbs up with a wide smile.

"I'll get them to wrap our food up, okay?"

I nodded and booked it to the bathroom.

I ran into a man with brownish hair, I dropped my phone in the process, I went to go reach for it but he picked it up for me, he did smell familiar.

I smiled and grab the phone from his hand before looking up. It felt as if my heart stopped beating and I dropped my phone once more.

"Hello, Averil.." he grinned sinisterly.

"D-dane.." I balled up my fists and backed up, he wasn't going to get me again, he won't.

He looked me up and down before Circling around me slowly. "Look at you, you look different."

"I'll call them, I'll call my mates on you." My voice was shaky and so were my legs. Have I always been this weak?

He chuckled and made his way towards me, Before I knew it I was trapped in the corner of a stall.

"Uhm I just asked if you were okay, now that I know you're not is there anyone I can call for you?" It was probably an Omega.. who was definitely not Dane..

"Im sorry I'm just now got my witchy powers and its hard to hold them in I'm sorry I may have let out a spell I had for someone else." The guy squeaked.

I rested my hand on my chest and sucked in a deep breath. "Oh goodness, kid.. you scared me.." I continued to breathe heavily.

"I'm sorry for scaring you and your child!" He helped me stand up straight.

I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows and his face slowly morphed into horror.

"Oh goodness you don't know you're pregnant and I just spoiled it for you.. I only know because I'm an Alpha and I can smell your baby.."

My eyes widened and suddenly I felt sick.. extremely sick. So I did what I had to do and threw up..

On top of the kid head at that...




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