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After hearing banging on the safe door, the infected eventually gave up as they walked off or just stood there, grumbling.

Smoker figured they could run off somewhere more convenient. Since there wasn't literally anything in the safe room that they're in. Calvin wiped his eyes.


Smoker turned his head.

"Will someone come back for us.?"

Smoker just stood there. He didn't know the answer to that question. Smoker shrugged. Calvin frowned after receiving that answer.

"Why can't you talk.?"

Once again, they shrugged.

Calvin sighed.

"I learned sign language after school y'know.."

Before Smoker could even budge, he heard some noises outside. He recognized that those sounds were gun shots. Calvin shivered from those loud noises as he began covering his ears.

Smoker took a peak outside.

There were people outside.

That weren't infected..probably.

Smoker put a finger in front of his mouth to signal Calvin to be quiet.

They waited till the noises faded.

"Shouldn't we just ask them for help.? Why didn't you just-"

Smoker shook his head.

Calvin raised an eyebrow.

Smoker signaled "They kill me. Not you." Calvin grumbled. "What.? Why would they- oh.." Smoker sighed.

As much as Calvin is glad that there's still people out there, they would shoot Smoker.

Calvin didn't want someone to die because of him.

Not again.

"How am I supposed to survive.?"

Calvin held his arm. Smoker looked out of the bars to make sure nobody's there. Luckily all of the infected out there got killed. Smoker held Calvin's hand.

"Stay beside with me."

"Wait we're leaving?"

Smoker nodded.

"You have weapons?"

Calvin shook his head.

Smoker grumbled.

"I can kill off others."

Calvin didn't want to witness people dying again.

"You don't have to see me doing it."

Smoker opened the door. It was sprinkling outside, judging by the sounds. He looked around.

"My house isn't that far."

Calvin wasn't even going to ask how they can even remember the location. The ground was extremely muddy. The street lights was constantly flickering.

Calvin got uncomfortable by the atmosphere as he stayed close with Smoker.

S t e p

Both heard something step on grass as they turned. They didn't see anything. Calvin got more nervous as he held onto Smoker's hoodie.

After what felt like hours, they finally arrived at Smoker's house.

Smoker rubbed his eye as he went through the smashed window. Calvin stared at him concerned.


"Look kid, opening doors is confusing."

Calvin rolled his eyes as he opened the door casually. Smoker grumbled as he walked off. Calvin sat down at the couch that had one side covered in blood.

He started observing the room.

He noticed a hanged picture of a man who looked like Smoker and a another man with a hoodie on..the same hoodie that Smoker is wearing and there was a lady with messy hair.

Calvin bit his nails.

He started feeling bad.

Smoker probably lost those people.

Calvin noticed a remote on the floor. He quickly picked it up as he attempted to turn the T.V on. He grumbled when the T.V just stood in static.

Smoker came into the room with medkit on his hands. Calvin turned his head.

"What is that?"

"You have a scratch on your arm."

"What? No I don't- I don't feel-"

As Calvin turned his view into his left arm, he saw a huge scratch on his arm. Right above the elbow. Smoker sighed as he began opening the medkit. Calvin felt his heart drop as he stared at the scar.

"B..But I didn't feel it..I don't remember.."

"When I found you and began running, one of those bastards managed to scratch you somehow."

Smoker started wrapping around the scar. Preventing it bleeding more. Calvin was shivering of the idea of turning into a infected. Calvin shook his head.

"I don't wanna turn into a zombie..I don't wanna..!"

Smoker just stared at the poor child who is afraid. He didn't know what to do. Calvin was about to sob again. Smoker needed to comfort him somehow.

"I'm sure you're strong enough to go through this."

"I'm not.! I know you can't stop a zombie bite.! I'm not even that strong compare to you.! I can't even..protect..myself.."

"It's a scar. Not a bite."

"SAME THING OKAY.?! I JUST WANT MY MOM.! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO YOU ARE..!" Calvin shouted but immediately covered his mouth in shock. Tears overflowed. Calvin was feeling dizzy. Calvin collapsed on the couch. Smoker sighed as he pulled the blanket on Calvin.


"Go to sleep. I'll be outside."


Smoker didn't signal back as he walked out of the living room. He can be heard crawling out of the window while grumbling something. Calvin was sobbing. Staring at his wrapped arm, already covered in blood.

He laid his head on the handrest.

Staring back at the T.V.

Static continues.


Jeez this fanfic is so low on views rn. Even if summer vacation did start, my life is kinda miserable rn because of my stupid mistakes. Ik I sounded emo there but leave me alone 😭

I should stop typing now. My arm hurts.

Okay bye.

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