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I hiked up the hill and stood there gazing at the view. Camelot's castle towered over Camelot in a friendly way. It made you feel safe and remember that you have people making sure you are safe and sound. That people fight for you and their kingdom.

I walked down the hill with my leather bag and supplies. My goal was to find a home here in Camelot and start a new life. Of course I had to hide many secrets that could lead me to the stake. I felt like I needed to live here even though i would be at many risks. My dress swayed from side to side as I walked to the tavern for lodging. I will stay here for now and buy a house. I have to find a job. Ugh! So many thing to accomplish. I have a huge secret that I must not tell anyone or I could be executed. I took a deep breath and stepped into the crowded tavern. It was loud and stuffy. Men were swinging their mugs around spilling it. I walked to the booth when I bumped into a huge man with a permanent frown on his face. I spilled his drink all down his jacket and shirt. He looked down at his clothes and growled at me. Yep growled. "I'm so sorry sir I really am." I said backing up and tripping on a stool and falling over. The man raised his fist. Then a boy jumped in front of him. He had blue eyes and black hair, and those cheek bones... The man raised his fist to punch the boy. Suddenly the boy's blue eyes changed to gold very quickly and he nodded his head ever so quickly and a pan dropped out of nowhere onto the mans head. The boy pulled me up and pulled me out of the way and out the door. "Hi my name is Merlin." He said after we were away from the tavern. "I was just looking for my friend Gawain and your name is..." He asked. "Catrin, but you can call me Trin, or Cat." I said extending my hand. I studied him as he shook my hand. He had magic. I saw it with my own eyes. He had magic like me.

Magic will live (Merlin fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz