Rodor's plead for help

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I was tired. Tired..... Merlin snapped his fingers in front of my face. The sound made me jump. "Guin asked you to fetch some water." He said. "She did. I remember." I said walking out the door. I ran through the courtyard and into town to the pump. When I reached the pump I pumped loads of water into my wooden bucket. I picked up the handle and carried it to the castle. I heaved it up the stone stairs to King Arthur's room. The Queen and King were getting ready for the meeting of King Rodor and his daughter Mithian. I entered the King's room to find Merlin making Arthur's bed. "Merlin. Who is Rodor and Mithian?" I ask putting soup in the bucket. "King Rodor and Mithian were captured by King Odin. Odin sided with Morgana. Mithian was sent here by Odin as a trap for Arthur. Rodor and Mithian got back home safe... I helped a lot." Merlin said putting his hands on his waist smiling. He is so cute. Wait, what? Cute? King Arthur walked in. "What are you waiting for? Merlin the floor is filthy! I told you to scrub it." Arthur said. Merlin shook his head looking at the floor. "He didn't say anything." Merlin said talking into my head. I smiled. "Merlin if its that difficult I'll have to show you. Yet again." Arthur said picking up a rag. Arthur dipped it into the soupy bucket and got on his knees and scrubbed the floor rather sloppily. I put my hand to my head. "He really doesn't know what he's doing does he?" I ask Merlin talking into his mind. Merlin laughed. Arthur looked at him with a raised eyebrow. Arthur got up. "I swear Merlin i will put you in the stocks. Just get the floor cleaned." Arthur said leaving. Arthur stuffed the rag he used into Merlin's hand. "I'll be sure to through an apple at you." I said into Merlin's head. Merlin rolled his eyes at me. "I would." I said out loud. Merlin just smiled. Then he look at the rag in his hand. "The floor isn't even dirty! I swear he's just trying to find ways to make me work harder." Merlin said. I laughed at his expression. Merlin got down on the floor and started scrubbing. I went over to the curtains and opened them up. Suddenly I felt water droplets hit the back on my dress. I turned around slowly and look at the back of my dress. It was splattered with water. Merlin laughed at my expression this time. I walked over to the table and grabbed a cloth and dipped it in to the bucket. "Gott-" Merlin was interrupted but a wet rag in his face. I laughed. Merlin's face was all scrunched up in a adorable way when he was pretending to be pissed. Snap out of it Catrin! I picked up my rag from his face and got on my knees and started scrubbing the floors with Merlin. I wanted to do something really sneaky now. I got up and soaked my rag. I held it over Merlin's head and squeezed out all the water onto his jet black hair. "Oh sorry." I said trying to hide my laugh. Merlin got up and dipped his rag into the bucket. I stepped back. He raised his rag. I jolted around the room and he chased me. "No! Merlin don't!" I yelled half laughing. He grabbed my arm and squeezed all the water out. Water dripped down my brown wavy hair.

He laughed. I scowled at him trying to conceal my smile. Gaius walked in with a scroll. Me and Merlin both turned to look at him. We both had dripping went hair and we were both smiling. "My god you two. I thought you were supposed to be cleaning Arthur's room not have a bath." Gaius said looking at us funnily. Merlin and I just looked each other. I started squeezing the water out of my hair. "Um, yeah about that. We just got carried away." Merlin said. "Yes Merlin you did." Gaius said closing the door. Me and Merlin cracked up. "You started it." I said pointing at him. He shrugged. I pulled a chair out and sat down. Gaius walked in again. "Oh I forgot. You guys gotta get cleaned up because Mithian and Rodor are coming soon." Gaius said. I nodded. Gaius left. "Ok Merlin. Are you done?" I asked. "Yep." Merlin said dropping his dirty rag in the bucket. "See ya in going to put on a different dress because you got this one all messed up." I said. Merlin nodded and wiped his hands on his trousers.

I tied the back of my dress up and brushed my hair out. I put my hair up in a loose bun with a few strands of hair hanging down in my face. I closed the door and walked into Merlin. "Wow. You look nice." He said. I blushed. "Come on let's get going. Don't want to keep Arthur waiting." Merlin said.

Me, Merlin, and Gaius stood at the perimeter of the room. I stood behind Merlin to the right, and Gaius stood behind Merlin to the left. Suddenly Mithian and her father King Rodor stormed into the hall. Mithian had long flowy dress on that trailed on the floor. Her tiara glinted in the sunlight that streamed in from the windows. Her slightly wavy long hair went down her back. Her father myself had on a long dark blue and brown cloak that almost touched the floor. His cloak had rabbit fur along the collar. He had a long necklace around his neck and a big crown with jewels. "Wow." I whispered to Merlin. He nodded. King Arthur and queen Guinvere were in their thrones. Guin look beautiful with her really wavy brown hair cascading around her shoulders and down her hair. Arthur had his red cloak on with the Pendragon symbol on the back. Mithian looked enviously toward Guinvere. "Ah. Rodor how nice it is to see you." Arthur said stepping down to greet the other king. "My Arthur. We are having some troubling times. Nemeth is under attack by a number of creatures. We believe its a group of Wyverns. They look a lot like dragons. They have been attacking every night. They are taking livestock and if the rare unlucky person is out at night then they would be taken. We have had a couple of deaths, and we are loosing food." King Rodor said looking desperate. "Arthur please help us. My knights have not had any luck of killing any of the these monsters. We were hoping if we have a group of more knights then we might have enough people to kill them and fend them off." Rodor pleaded. Arthur sat back down in his throne. He thought for a bit. "Fine. I will bring some of my finest men." Arthur said. "We will ride off tomorrow morning." Arthur said. Rodor nodded. "Thank you Arthur." Rodor thanked him. "Thank you Arthur." Mithian then thanked him and a couple of servants took them to their rooms.

As we were walking out of the hall Merlin told me "Catrin I'm going to have to go with Arthur and the knights. Your going to be on your own here." Merlin said. I nodded. Then an idea popped into my head. "I'll go with you." I blurted out. Merlin looked at me oddly. "You'll have to see what Arthur says after we finish helping the knights and Arthur train." Merlin says. Oh right training.

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