Merlin finds out

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I folded up my letter and wondered if Fang was still flying around in the woods. I better go find him. Like right now. I grabbed my Hawk Whistle that my father crafted for me. He bought me Fang for my birthday a year ago. I also put on my glove for protection against his claws when he rested on my arm. My grabbed my leather jacket and stuffed the whistle into my dress pocket. I would be wearing my legging and vest. Though that's only when I'm practicing my swordplay. Yes, you heard me. My father teaches me. He says its for protection. My knifes are in my bag. I couldn't bring my sword because I was afraid I would not be allowed to enter Camelot. I knocked on Gaius's door. "Come in!" Called Gaius. "It's me." I said opening the door. "Oh hello." Gaius said from his desk. "Can I go to the woods and get my Falcon. He is flying around there." I asked. "Of course Trin. You should bring Merlin. He knows the woods pretty well" He said. "Tell him I need him to fetch me some rosemary and rue." Gaius said. "Uh, but he is with Arthur right?" I asked. "I thought it was his day off?" Gaius said. "Oh, I'll go get him then." I said taking the leather bag from Gaius for Merlin. I then walked to Arthur's room.

I knocked on the door. Merlin opened it with his sleeves rolled up and boots in his hands. "What you doing here?" He asked opening the door wider. "Gaius suggested you take me to the woods to get my falcon. He also needs you to pick some rosemary and rue." I said. "Hang on just one minute." Merlin said leaving the door open a crack. I heard voices. Then Merlin reappeared in the doorway and was coming out. I have him the leather bag for the herbs. "So what do you need to do?" Merlin asked as we walked down the stone steps into the courtyard. "I need to get my falcon, Fang. I need to send a letter to my parents to tell them I got here safe." I said. Merlin stared at me quizzically, then nodded slowly. "What?" I ask clearly confused. "Are you planing to murder Arthur?" He asked. I was momentarily stunned. Why would he think that? "Why would you think that! Of course not! I came here to start over." I said frustrated. Merlin raised his hands in defense. "People tend to want to murder Arthur a lot, and sending a letter in the woods seems suspicious." He said. I breathed through my mouth. "I wouldn't do that Merlin. Anyway I'm taking you right?" I said. Merlin stared at me. "Sorry." He said. After a minute I nudged him with my elbow. "It's fine." I said. "Race you." I said and took off. My dress was short enough so you could just see my shoes. Merlin ran to catch up with me then ended by my side. I ran faster.

I stopped at the edge of the woods. Merlin ran to my side. "I just need to go in and use my whistle." I said taking Merlin by the wrist and pulling him into the bushes. We walked for a bit the stopped. I put the whistle to my lips and blew. A high pitch whistle rang through the trees. Me and Merlin stood there waiting. Suddenly a beautiful brown falcon came swooping down and landed on the ground. I patted my shoulder. He flew up and landed on my shoulder. I gave him a piece of jerky from my pocket. "Cool. His name's fang?" Merlin asked. I nodded and stroked his head. "Want to hold him?" I ask. "Wait, you are wearing a leather jacket right?" I then say. Merlin nods. I move closer to Merlin and tap Merlin's shoulder. Fang flies over and onto Merlin's shoulder. "Here give this to him." I say giving him a piece of jerky. Merlin feeds it to Fang. "Don't you need get some rosemary and rue?" I ask looking around. I tap my shoulder and Fang flew over onto my shoulder. I walked around the bushes and saw a yellow flowery plant. "Merlin! I found rue." i said over my shoulder. "I found rosemary." Merlin called. "OK. I'll pick some." i said bending over and picking some. Fang hoped off my shoulder and onto the floor. Before he could run away I tied a string to his foot so he wouldn't go off on his own. I picked a hand full of rue and tapped my shoulder yet again for Fang to hop on. He did. I got up and walked to Merlin. As i walked around I heard muffles and chokes. A man in black and about 5 more men were standing right there. The man in black had his arm around Merlin's neck and pulling him back. Merlin tried to pulled the Man's arm off. I dropped my rue. Bandits. I untied Fang's string and gestured for him to fly up into a tree. "Cadman! Get the girl." The man who had Merlin called out over to the right. A burly man, I'm guessing Cadman, walked up. Anger flashed throw Merlin's eyes. Cadman walked up to me and tried to grab me by the waist. Instead, I punched him square on the nose, hard. I heard a crack and blood trickled out of him nose. The look on this man's face, was like I-just-got-punched-in-the-nose-by-a-girl. Merlin smiled and sniffled a laugh, but that just made the Man holding Merlin squeeze harder. Merlin clawed at this Man's arm trying to get breath. "Bickford loosen up on the kid." One of the men said. So his name is Bickford. Cadman ran up to me and tried to punch me. i ducked and kicked him in the stomach then kicked him in the throat and for good measure i punched him in the face. Cadman fell over and black out. I wiped my hands on my dress. I looked up at Bickford. A moldy branch was on top of him. Prefect. I nodded my head toward the branch and said comminuet, et cadere in my head. my eyes changed gold and the branch fell on Bickford's head. Merlin slipped out of Bickford's arms and Bickford toppled over and blacked out. I had show Merlin my magic if we were to get out of here. I put my hand out and said ventilabis magna vi in terram dedit in my head and three men flew backward all hitting trees. Merlin's eyes widened. Two men can running at us and Merlin knocked them out. Magic! you have magic! I heard Merlin's voice in my head. I nodded. I was born with it, my father has it. You have Magic too. I said into Merlin's head. I put my whistle to my lips calling Fang. He swooped down onto my shoulder. "lets get out of here Merlin its getting late. The sun is setting." I said glumly outloud. I started walking up to the castle. Trin! i was born with it too! In fact I'm the last Dragon Lord. He said into my mind. I stopped. Dragon Lord! Dragon Lord?! Your a dragon lord? Have you ever heard of female dragon lords? No right? I'm the first one. I, one day found a baby dragon dying in the woods with arrows in its body because Uther's knights hunted it down. I could control it. I tried to heal it with these new powers of controlling dragons. I failed and it died in those woods. I found out that only dragon lords has the power to do such a thing, controlling a dragon. I'm a female dragon lord. Your not the last Merlin. I said in his mind. Merlin stared at me. Prove it. Tonight, come with me and we'll find my dragon friend. you can call him and talk to him. If you a real dragon lord. Merlin said into my mind. I nodded. "ok." I said outloud and walked back to the castle with Fang on my shoulder.


On the right in multimedia the picture is a Falcon. This one looks exactly like fang.

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