Settling in

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As we walked to through the town Merlin asked "So Trin, I haven't seen you around here before." I nodded. "I came to Camelot t start over. You know what I mean? I need a place to stay and a job." I said glumly. I guess the tavern was out of the question. If I go back there I would probably get a black eye. Merlin's eyes lit up. "One of the maids quit and moved away. You can be Guinvere's maid. She wont mind. So will Arthur." Why didn't Merlin address them as Queen and King? He said. "I could get you a cot and you could stay with me and Gaius. He won't mind either. I have a feeling he will like you." We entered the castle courtyrad. It was wide and open. Tiled floor and lamps. "Merlin!!" I heard someone shout. I looked toward the sound. King Arthur was leaning out a window staring at the two of us. "Arthur! I have someone here for you to meet!" Merlin shouted back. His tone was a little rude. "Sure! After i have a bunch of laundry for you!" Arthur shouted and closed the window. We walked across the courtyard and entered the castle. I nudged Merlin. "Should you be talking to the King like that?" I asked? Merlin looked at me. "I've known him since before he was made king. We are friends. We tease each other all the time, and I and his servant." Merlin said. We walked through the white stoned hallways. Amazing achitecture. Merlin smiled at my expression. "Cool right?" He asked. "Yeah." I said running my pale fingers over the white stone. "Want me to help you with your bag?" he asked. I looked at him. My curly brown hair fell over my face. "No, no I'm fine." I suddenly felt the urge to ask him about his magic. We stopped at a big wooden door. The pendragon banner was hanging over the wall oppisite the door. I gulped. I was meeting the king, of Camelot. I adjusted my bag strap nervously. "Don't worry he won't bite." Merlin said encouraging. I glanced at Merlin. I suddenly felt like I knew him for years. His electric blue eyes sparkled. Merlin knocked. The king opened the door in a loose red shirt and black pants. He stared at me then at Merlin. Back and forth. "Where are my manners. Do come in." He said gesturing for us to step in side. I smiled at him nervously. I stepped inside. There was a wooden table and three archways leading into a bedroom. The bed had a canopy hanging over it and a dresser opisite the the bed. Merlin pulled out a chair for me like a true gentleman. "Arthur this is Catrin." Merlin said. I fiddled with the end of my dress sleeve. "Why hello. It's nice to meet you." The king said. "Hello." I said. "Will you excuse u s for a moment?" Arthur asked. I nodded. Arthur pulled Merlin to the side and started talking to him. I nodded my head toward them and said a spell in my head. Audire I said in my mind. My eyes changed gold suddenly I could hear their voices. "Arthur, she has nowhere to stay. She needs a job. Come on. She could be Guin's maid or help me and Gaius. She could help in the kitchen. Come on." I heard Merlin plead. Arthur thought for a bit. "Fine Guinevere does need a new maid. She could also help you and Gaius or in the kitchen. I'll let you decide, she's your girlfriend." Arthur said. "She's not my girlfriend Arthur." Merlin said. Arthur rolled his eyes. Then they turned toward me. I sat back and let my eyes change grey again. I have grey eyes by the way. Merlin raised his eyebrow slightly. Oh no! I'd he see me do magic? Then he lowered his eyebrow and shook his head like he thought he was hulicanating. I took a deep breath. "Ok Catrin you can stay here. You will be Gunievere's new maid. Guinevere is out right now at the market. It was nice to meet you." Arthur said trying to act formal. You could tell that he normally wasn't. I felt my eyes light up. "Please call me Trin." I said standing up. Merlin was smiling at me. What a cute smile. Merlin ushered me to the door. I walked into the hallway. "This way." Merlin said walking in front of me down the hallway to the left. I ran up and walked along side of Merlin. We walked through the hallways. Maids and and servants bustled around when we went further into the castle. We came to another door amd Merlin opened it and walked in. It was a chamber of a physician. There were herbs and vials on the stables and books on shelves. A man with long white hair in brown robes was sitting at one of the tables studieing a book with a magnifying glass. "Gaius. This is Catrin. Can she stay here?" Merin said straight forward. Gaius looked up at us. I stood behind Merlin awkwardly. "First, Merlin. Introduce me to this young lady and then we will see." Gaius said sternly. Merlin flushed. "Oh yeah, um, this is Catrin or Trin for short. She needs work and I was hoping she could stay with us." Merlin said and I shook Gaius's hand. "Well Catrin. I'd be happy if you would like to stay with us. Merlin is doing a bad job anyway." Gaius said. I laughed. Merlin just scowled. "We could definitely get you a room in the maid's quarters." Gaius continued. "I would like that a lot." I said. "Catrin how about you stay here with me while Merlin runs along and gets you a room. There is one just down the hall I think that is open since one maid just quit." I nodded smiling, I like Gaius. Merlin scowled as I sat down with Gaius. "Go on then Merlin." Gaius said shooing Merlin away. Merlin left the room. "Gaius I'd be happy to do some chores for you. The floor needs scrubing do you want me to do that?" I asked. Gaius just smiled. "Trin thats Merlin's job. Guniever and Arthur are the people who give you chores. Though I might ask you to fetch a herb or two once in a while." Gaius said helping me take off my heavy bag and my leather jacket. I looked at the book Gaius was studying. I turned it to the cover with my hand on Gaius's page. It was a book on magical creatures. The page Gaius was on told you about Dragons.

Dragons had great knowledge and power in Magic. They are impervious to almost any weapon, an enchanted spear hurled at a Dragon would just bounce off it's scales despite being filled with Magic.

They have the ability to breathe fire and fly. Despite their massive size Dragons are far more graceful and much faster than they appeared, able to easily avoid numerous projectiles such as arrows even when they were fired at the same time. A Dragon could easily defeat a whole group of human knights (though not without the possibility of being injured) and they seemed to be undefeatable to anyone except the Dragonlords. Dragons are a powerful and almost indestructible enemy in combat, a single Dragon being able to ravage a city within weeks.

I looked at a picture of a Dragon and it showed a drawing of a huge creature with wings, scales, a long snout and talons extending towards a group of knights with crossbows. Under the drawing was written -painted during a Dragon raid of castle Camelot. I flipped the page. On the top of the page the heading was written in beautiful gothic letters reading: Wyvern

Wyvern were thought to have the characteristics of dragons and birds, and to be aggressive predators, attacking anything thought to be a good meal. Their main damage came from their talons and tail. In myths, the wyverns couldn't breathe fire.

Although they have the strength and ferocity of dragons, wyverns lack the grace and intelligence which are innate to dragons. Wyverns typically prey on deer, goats, and other such creatures. Unlike dragons, which can be sometimes good and sometimes evil, the wyvern is unambiguously malicious.

Wyverns are found often in heraldry. The wyvern represents war, envy, and pestilence, and is a sign of strength to those who bear it.

The origin of the word wyvern comes from thirteenth-century word "wyver", which in turn is derived from the French wyvere, which means both "viper" and "life."

I read. Below was a picture of a evil looking creature that looked more evil then a dragon. This creature had red eyes, black scales, and a smaller and thinner body than a dragon. "Interesting isn't it. To know that we have creatures like those-" he pointed to the picture of a Wyvern. "Lively and breathing in the same world as we do. To know that we have dangers such as these that could hurt our families and friends." He said mysteriously. I nodded and l studied that picture of the both creatures. Merlin then walked in. "Gaius was right there is a room down the hall. It's ready." Merlin said. I grabbed my bag and folded my leather jacket over my arm and followed Merlin out the door. Merlin walked me to another small wooden door just down the hallway. "I know it doesn't seem like much but.." Merlin said. "Merlin it's fine. In just happy there are people like you in the world that actually care. It means a lot. Thank you." I said opening the door. Merlin smiled. "Thank you. I better get going. Arthur did say he had some laundry for me." Merlin said. I nodded and stepped in to my dormitory. Merlin closed the door as I put my bag down on the bed. It was a little bed with a little desk and a little cabinet for my books and clothes. It was prefect. I sighed and lied down on the bed. I took out some of my parchment I brought with me and started to write to my parents.

Dear mum and dad, 

I made it to Camelot. Safe and sound. I was going to get a room in the tavern but I got in a fight and this boy named Merlin got me out of there before I got hurt. He showed me where he worked. He worked for King Arthur. He suggested I become Queen Guinvere's maid. He asked Arthur and I got the job! Now I'm staying at the Castle and am going to start work I guess tomorrow. Love you!  

Love, Trin.

Magic will live (Merlin fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن