The journey

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I quickly put my hair in a braid that went around my head and put of my face. I put my daggers in their sheaths that are at my side and put my backpack on. It had bandages, water, and a bunch of supplies I might need. I had my hunting outfit on. Legging with a small skirt that came to my knees, a belt, along sleeve shirt, a leather jacket, and brown boots. "Come on fang." I said then whistled patting my shoulder. Fang leaped up from the shelf and landed on my shoulder. I walked out of my room and walked along the corridor and down the wide stone stairs. I turned and walked down the stairs down into the courtyard. King Rodor was going to stay here because he was to old to fight. As i put it. Mithian wanted to stay with her father. Good riddance. That girl was too...I'm-so-pretty like. Spoiled really. The horses were lined up ready to go. Fang grinned my shoulder firmly making sure he didn't fall off. Merlin was reading the saddles making sure they don't slip. Merlin looked up to the sound of my footsteps. "Catrin! Can you get those two horses over there? The knights will be out in a moment." Merlin said pointing to a white horse and a black horse over to the left. I nodded and walked over to them. I made sure the saddle was tight against the horse's belly and the saddles were clean. I petted their mussels and walked back over to Merlin. "You got fang?" Merlin asked looking at my bird. "Yes." I said. Then the knights came walking out of the castle. Arthur at the front. I counted making sure I had their names. Elyan, Gawain, Percivale, Leon... And a few others who ignored me that time yesterday at training. I didn't pay attention to their names. "Ah Catrin. Merlin." Leon said patting Merlin on the shoulder. We nodded in response. The knights got on their horses. Merlin helped my tie my backpack two the saddle. I got a bay horse and Merlin a black one. "That's Archer. This is Walter." Merlin said patting his horse's neck. I did to. By this time fang was sitting on the horn on my saddle. He didn't stay there long. As soon as we started looping out of the courtyard he flew up and flew close next to me.

We entered the woods. Fang was on the horn of my saddle again now sleeping. Arthur had given me a sword with a sheath that I strapped to my waist. I was that last one on the line of horses. Merlin was right next to me though out of the line. "You ok?" Merlin asked talking into my head. I nodded toward him. I tapped fang on the head lightly. He looked up at me slowly waking up. Arthur started galloping which sent all of us galloping. Fang swooped into the trees and disappeared.

As we rode on to the hill over looking Nemeth fang swooped down on to my shoulder. Nemeth had fires and bits of building falling off onto the ground. It looked way worse than Rodor described. "Woah." Merlin said on his horse. "Yes." Arthur said and rode off. We all followed.

We hide the horses in the woods hoping the Wyverns wouldn't see them ad eat them. I left my backpack because it would be too much weight. We walked on foot toward Nemeth swords ready.

The sun was setting as we entered Nemeth. People were shutting their windows and bringing their animals inside. We were in the town square. Then we heard a roar/shriek coming from the horizon. Merlin grabbed my arm and pulled me under an archway. Rodor knights ran into the village toward Arthur. Arthur started talking to them. The lead knight nodded and they split up taking positions. The moon started rising and the stars were lighting up. Merlin had his own sword. "Stick together." I said. Merlin nodded. He gave me a smile that was so adorable... I wanted to kiss him. I leaned in and kissed him on the lips. I leaned back. "For good luck." I said. Merlin stood there for a second stunned. Thunk Thunk Thunk. I heard. I swung my head toward the sound. A five Wyverns walked into the town square. I readied my sword. Merlin looked at the Wyverns. Knights swarmed it. "trinus" I said looking at the monsters. My eyes flashed gold and the monsters tripped on their feet and fell. The knights thrust their swords in the Wyverns. "Come on." I said running into battle. I sliced a Wyvern. Green blood oozed onto the floor. Blah. More Wyverns swooped down onto the square. Merlin stayed at my side. "Arthur! Watch out!" I yelled. A Wyvern swooped down behind Arthur. I ran toward Arthur to help. Arthur whirled around and stuck his sword in its chest. The Wyvern fell. Arthur looked back at me. "Catrin!" He and Merlin yelled. I turned around to late. I felt a claw pierce my shoulder. Pain blurred my eyes. I collapsed. I laid on the floor warm blood seeping through my shirt. Merlin was at my side. "Catrin!!!" He yelled. I closed my eyes and blacked out.

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