The meeting of the Dragon

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Tonight I sent my letter to my parents. I tied the paper to Fang's foot and gave him a piece of jerky. He knew where to go. Fang jumped out of the window and flew into the night. I put on my leather jacket and pulled the hood over my head. My mother made it for me. She said I needed a warm jacket that wasn't a cloak. That had a hood. So she took one of my father's old leather hunting jackets and sewed a linen hood onto it from one of her linen cloaks. It was warm and tattered. My dresses were tattered. Pretty much everything I owned was old and worn. My family doesn't have that much money. I hated my dresses. Why couldn't women wear trousers and shirts like men. My father and my mother said it would be improper for a girl like me to be dressing like that. I want to be a knight. My mother said it was too dangerous for a gentle girl like me. I knew there were female fighters and knights. I saw them. Once a group of female knights visited out village. "Ready?" Merlin said in the doorway. I nodded. "Yes." I said. I relized I have been stating out the window for about five minutes. I walked over to Merlin. He took my hand. Which startled me. He pulled me through the stone hallway. Down stairs and around corners until we made it to a gate. Merlin was still holding my hand. Weird. I havent let go yet. Shadows lingered on the floor and up the wall. "Aperire" Merlin said put his hand up and the door unlatched. Merlin grabbed a torch and led me down stairs leading downwards to the dungeons. I stayed close to Merlin watching my step. We walked down and Merlin looked left then right and we walked down the right corridor. We walked for a bit the turned left and down a corridor which had bars at the end. Merlin let go of my hand and pulled the bars out. We both crawled through. Merlin put the bars back. The moon was bright. Merlin put out the torch and stashed it behind a bush. Merlin led me through the woods, I stayed close behind trying not to look nervous. A real dragon. "Do it now." Merlin said. Oh right. "Draco! Venis ad me? Oportet me loqui cum te! venire ad me draco! draco! Cedunt obviam mihi! Festinare! Cedunt! venire ad me draco!" I yelled the spell of summoning a dragon. "Draco! Feild terram ego praecipio tibi? Ergo audieritis me! Ego et a Draco Dominum! Ergo audieritis me! Pecus! Terra sic possumus occurrunt! Festinare!" Merlin yelled after me. His summoning spell sounded more professional. Like he has done it before and gone it over and over in his head trying to prefect it. We heard swooping noises of giant wings. Me and Merlin looked up and a huge dragon flew over us to the left. Merlin smiled at me. His electric blue eyes sparkled. He then yanked me to the left following the dragon. Soon we entered a giant felid. Standing right there was a gigantic dragon. About 20 times the size of Merlin and me. He/she was waiting there staring at the sky with its wings folded to its side. "Ahh, Merlin. Hello. How wonderful you have met Catrin Sparrow."

The dragon knew my name. I never tell anyone my last name. Never. Dragon just looked at me with interest. "Kilgharrah, is there a something you need to tell me?" Merlin asked as I stood there staring at the Dragon. "Merlin. I was the one who gave Catrin here the powers of Dragon Lord. The spiritually of a Dragon Lord." Kilgharrah said. "Uh and why didn't you tell me she existed!" Merlin said raising his voice. "There is a reason for everything I do Merlin. Sure you have already known this." Kilgharrah said still staring at me making eye contact, completely ignoring Merlin's eyes. Kilgharrah's golden eyes boarded into me. Then they glowed. I suddenly felt my feet lift off the ground. I struggled. It was like an invisible hand was clamped around my body. "Merlin!" I shouted. "Kilgharrah! Put her down." Merlin said. I started moving toward the Dragon. I squirmed. I flashed my eyes at the dragon. "descendit." I said out loud. My eyes glowed gold and I fell. I land on my ankle. I yelled out from the pain. Merlin came running to my side. He growled at the Dragon. "Leave her alone." Merlin said. I got up leaning against Merlin. Ok. This dragon is kind a freaking me out. "It's fine. He isn't normally like this." Merlin whispered to me checking my ankle. "It's twisted but it will heal." Merlin said. I nodded leaning closer to him. "Kilgharrah. Why did you give me my Dragon Lord powers? Why me?" I asked limping toward the Dragon. His giant gold eyes followed me. "You are ment for great things Catrin. You are ment to help Merlin bring Camelot to its greatness." The Dragon said. I sat down on the rock near the dragon and stared up at him. "What do you mean help Merlin bring Camelot to greatness? Why Merlin and me? Why not some knight." I say. The dragon lowered himself down. "Catrin. You and Merlin are both powerful warlocks." The dragon said. I stared at my hand and thought, "I still don't why get me. I'm not special." Kilgharrah shook his head. "You are catrin. No matter what you want or feel you matter in this quest for Camelot. Both you and Merlin are extremely important for ablion's rise." Kilgharrah said. Merlin took my hand and pulled me back. Kilgharrah spread out his enormous wings and lifted into the sky.

I cursed under my breath. "I haven't had any learning of magic! I don't get how I will do this. I'm not special." I repeated. "I'll help and teach you Catrin." Merlin said pulling me back into the woods. I stuffed my hands in my pockets, to show a sign that I wanted to be not talked to.

As we walked up the staircase to bed we heard footsteps coming down the hallway. Merlin pushed me into a broom closet and silently closed the door. Knights walked past unaware of us. Merlin pulled me out and quickly throw the hallway. Merlin opened my door and I walked in. "Thanks Merlin." I said. He nodded smiling looking around and closed the door behind him. I changed into my night gown and got into bed. I blew our the candle and it was dark.

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