Arthur said yes

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I picked up a sword. It was surprisingly light. Merlin came up to me in a helmet and a shield in hand. "How do I look?" He asked turning around. "Silly. I can hardly see your eyes." I said. Your sweet electrics blue eyes. I added on to my sentence in my head. A knight with wavy brown hair walked up to me. "Well hello. I believe we haven't met. I'm Gawain." Gawain said holding out his hand. I shook it. "I'm new. I'm Catrin." I said handing him his sword. He kissed my hand. I blushed. "Thank you for my sword. Very nice to meet you." He said and strode away. "That's new. No ones kissed my hand before." I said to Merlin. He looked...... Jealous. Or was it my imagination. Two more knights walked up to me. One had longish wavy blond hair and the other was tall, had really short hair and no sleeves. "Hello. I'm Leon. And your name is..." The wavy haired one asked. "Catrin." I said. "Hello Catrin. My name is Percivale." The tall one introduced himself. "Hello." I said sheepishly. I handed them both their swords. Percivale and Leon went a stood why Gawain. A dark skinned boy came running up to me. "Hello," he said then turned to Merlin. "Merlin." He nodded respectively at my friend. "Hello, I'm Catrin." I said putting out a hand. "Hello I'm Elyan. Guin's brother. Thank you for my sword." Elyan said. By that time I had already given him his sword.

I had given all the knights their swords and Merlin and Gawain were fighting. Well not really fighting. Just Gawain striking at Merlin, who only hand a helmet and a shield. "Gawain! That was great. Not please deprive Merlin's shield of your sword please." Arthur said. The rest of the knights laughed. Gawain's sword was stuck in Merlin's shield. The blade had gone right through almost cutting Merlin's nose. Merlin walked over to me and sat down next to me looking bruised. I helped him get his helmet and shield put away. "Merlin! You got a new girlfriend?!" A random knight yelled over to us. I gritted my teeth. Bullies. I wish I could fight him. I took a sword out of the rack. "Who said that? He's just my friend." I said holding up my sword. "Oh is the little maid girl standing up to me?!" The same knight yelled back at me. "Oh shut up Vidor!" Percivale said. "No! Let her try me." Vidor said really getting on my nerves. Vidor came out of the crowd. He had brown hair and was average height. Nothing special. "Ok." I said shrugging. Vidor ran up to me with his sword ready. "Vidor! No!" Arthur yelled. Oh he's concerned about me. Merlin was on his feet. "Catrin get out of there." Merlin said in my mind. "I'm fine just sit down and watch. No magic." I said back to him in his head. Vidor struck at me. I sidestepped and elbowed him hard in the head. I still hand my dress on hopefully it wouldn't trip me up. "Oh you little-" Vidor started to stay put was interrupted by my sword coming down toward him. Our swords met. Clink! I pressed forward. He stepped back. Big mistake. I struck at him again. Then I punched him and kicked him. I disarmed him and he fell to the ground hitting the grass. I put my sword at his face and kicked his sword farther away from him. "That was incredibly easy. How long have you been a knight? Is this your first day? By your skills looks like you just started or your a beginner." I said. Vidor looked stunned. I walked away toward Merlin. The entire crowd was silent. I sat down on the bench next to Merlin. "That was incredible. You beat on of the most best swordsman in the country. All of Arthur's knights are like the best." Merlin whispered to me. I shrugged. "I've fought better." I whispered back. Arthur cleared his throat. He glared at Vidor as if to say "what just happened! You let yourself get beat?". "A Catrin. How did you do that?" Arthur asked walking over to me. I shrugged. "My father taught me for self defense. I'm not your average girl Arthur." I said and I was right. "Uh um. Ok then." He said. If your going to ask, ask now. I told my self. "Can I come to Nemeth?" I asked. "Yes! That would be great your and a great fighter." Arthur said. I beamed at him. He smiled at me and turned to the rest of his knights. "Dismissed."

~A few hours later~

"I can't believe it!" I said to Merlin. "This is bad very very bad." He said raining on my parade. "What?" I said. "If you get hurt Catrin...." He said sounding worried. I raised an eyebrow at him. "I'll be fine Merlin." I said as we walked down the hallway. It was now time for dinner. The king and queen are having a feast for Rodor and Mithian. "We better get down to the dining hall. We're supossed to be serving drinks." Merlin said. "Why are they having a feast anyway if Nemeth is being attacked right now?" I asked. Merlin shrugged. "In greeting? Arthur just sees it right." Merlin said leading me down a flight of steps to the kitchen. We entered the chaotic mess of people. Merlin reached in to grab a bun. "Oi! Get your gruppy fingers of my buns!" The cook called over from across the room and was now heading over to us. She had curly red hair and a buff body. "Ah. At least you've got a sensible young lady here to keep you in check." The cook said patting my shoulder talking to Merlin. "Sweetie take these upstairs and put them in between the king and Mithian please." The cook said handing me the tray. I nodded. Then she shoved two jugs of water into Merlin's hands. "Get moving she said pushing the two of us upstairs. "Ok ok." I muttered. We walked up into the dining hall where lots of knights were sitting at a U shaped table and servants were walking around serving things to them. I walked around the table towards the bottom of the U where Arthur, guin, Mithian and Rodor were sitting. I set down the tray of buns in between Mithian and Rodor and moved back. Merlin handed me a cold jug of water. "Just refill glasses when you think their empty or close to empty." Merlin said. I was nervous. What if I tip something over. Or spill something. Merlin went around one side of the U shapes table and I went the other.

I poured what ten glasses that evening? I was so tired. I literally fell asleep on Merlin. "See ya tomorrow." Merlin said closing my bedroom door. I undressed and put my nightgown on and hoped in bed when I heard a tap on the window. I got up yet again and opened the pane glass window. Fang hoped down onto the table. He had a letter tied to his foot. I untied it and opened it.

Dear Catrin,

Wonderful sweetie! Your father and I wish you well! Make a living. Merlin sounds nice. We see that Fang is doing a good job as a messenger bird. Be safe please. We love you dearly. Don't send many more letters. For your own safety.

Love, mum and dad

Huh? Don't send anymore letters? Why? Is everything ok at the village? I shook my head. Why wouldn't their be anything ok? I've got a big day ahead of me tomorrow. Can't worry about things like that right now. I blew out my candle and laid down in bed. I closed my eyes and slept.

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