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Strange Boy # 0
Manga Chapters #1

Strange Boy # 0Manga Chapters #1

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Warnings: Cursing and mentions of a House Fire

Listen To: sTraNgeRs by Bring Me The Horizon


This is the Magic Realm. All who reside in this  world can use magic at will. Thus, Magic has become a natural part of everyone's daily lives. A gift believed to have been bestowed by God. It's importance is so great that one's level of mastery determines one's social status. Yet a young girl proved even if your magic was powerful it can bring your status down if you can't control it.


Enya Taenu a young girl. She has long burgundy hair. Her eyes are the color of fire. There vibrate yet dangerous. But yet her eyes watched as her own home burned and the flames rise. The flames roared and burned everything in the home. People screamed and cried watching everything burn. No one was there to put out the fire. Enya watched it all happened holding a baby boy who screamed and cried for its mother. She was only a toddler at a time. She held him close as tears flowed down her cheeks burning at her skin. There was nothing she could do for she was too young....It wasn't my fault!

It's not my fault

It's not my fault




Waking up from a yet another nightmare of her past. Enya had began to pant and breath heavily. Trying to steady her breath slowly. She began to breathe at a normal pace. Enya looked at her younger brother hoping he was still sleeping so he would not worry. Her praying and hoping seems to work because Cyrus her brother was sound asleep. Sighing in relief Enya grabbed her amulet that was the color of burning flames. This was the last thing she had from the fire and her past besides her brother. She sighed knowing she had to get up. Getting up slowly she walked over to the closet grabbing a outfit and get changed before waling  her brother who was sound asleep. After she walked back into the room began to wake him up gently.

"Morning Cyrus." Enya smiled as her brother as he began to rub his eyes. She moved giving him person space and room to get up. Cyrus yawned with a soft sigh leaving his lips. Looking at his sister with his red piercing eyes he smiled.

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