A Rose for a Princess

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Marinette lies on her bed, clutching her pillow as silent sobs convulse her body. The events of today feel surreal; she finally mustered the courage to confess her feelings to Adrien, only to face rejection. It's as if her heart has been shattered into a million pieces. Suddenly, a soft tapping on her skylight captures her attention. She gazes upward, spotting Chat Noir on her balcony, holding a delicate pink rose. She quickly wipes away her tears and rises to open the window.

"Chat? What brings you here?" she asks, her surprise evident.

"Hey, Marinette. I came to see how you're doing," he admits, smiling gently. "This is for you."

Marinette takes the rose and smiles weakly. "It's beautiful. So, what's the occasion?"

"I was in the neighbourhood and thought I would drop by to see how my Princess is doing," Chat Noir says deceitfully.

Marinette smiles faintly at him. "You're sweet," she admits, admiring the pink rose.

Chat Noir's faux ears perk up. "Oh yeah. Sweet enough to kiss?"

Marinette laughs but doesn't answer.

"I'm not hearing a no..." Chat Noir teases, leaning forward.

Marinette bops his nose, "You know what? Maybe some fresh air would help clear my head. Do you fancy going for a walk or something?"

Chat Noir's eyes sparkle. "Really? You want to go out with me?"

Marinette nods. "Sure, why not? You've always been kind to me, Chat. I think you earned a treat," she says playfully, giving his bell a ring.

Chat Noir beams and holds out his hand. "Then let me be your knight in shining armour, Princess. I'll show you the best spots in Paris."

Marinette takes his hand and follows him to the window. He scoops her up in his arms and leaps to the next rooftop. Marinette gasps and wraps her arms around his neck. She feels a thrill of excitement but a sensation of fear as they soar through the night sky.

Chat Noir lands on a rooftop that overlooks a park. He sets Marinette down gently and smiles at her. "How do you like this view?"

Marinette looks around and sees the park bathed in moonlight. She also sees the trees, flowers, a fountain and the playground. She feels a wave of nostalgia and happiness wash over her.

"It's beautiful, Chat. Thank you for bringing me here," Marinette says, smiling.

Chat Noir blushes and rubs the back of his head. "It's nothing really, I just wanted to cheer you up. You seemed so sad."

Marinette sighs and looks down. "Yeah, I was. I still am a little."

Chat Noir wraps an arm around her shoulders and pulls her close. "Do you want to talk about it? I'm here to listen if you need me."

Marinette rests her head on his shoulder and feels his warmth whilst a surge of gratitude and affection for him embraces her. He is such a good friend to her, despite how little they interact with one another.

"Well, it's about the boy that I like," she begins, her voice trailing off.

"Buttercup, right?" Chat Noir clarifies, his tone gentle. 

Marinette lets out a dry laugh, "his name is Adrien Agreste and he goes to my school." 

Chat Noir inhales sharply, momentarily surprised as realisation dawns on him.

"I've had a crush on him for a long time but I never had the courage to tell him, until today." Marinette continues, not noticing Chat Noir's body tensing.

Chat Noir feels a pang of guilt raise in his chest. He knows what she is going to say next; he was there after all.

"What happened?" he asks, trying to sound casual.

Marinette bites her lip and blinks back tears. "I told him how I feel and he rejected me. He said he only sees me as a friend."

Chat Noir hugs her tighter and strokes her hair. "Oh Marinette, I'm so sorry. He doesn't know what he's missing; you're amazing."

Marinette smiles weakly and looks up at him. "You're too kind, but it's okay, I'll get over it eventually. With time it will get easier."

"Yeah," he says softly. "You deserve to be happy, Marinette. You deserve to find someone who loves you as much as you love them."

Marinette feels a warm feeling in her chest. She looks into his green eyes and sees sincerity and compassion in them.

"Thank you Chat," she says sincerely. "Even though we don't know each other all that well, you're a good friend to me."

Chat Noir smiles and leans closer. He wants to kiss her so badly, but he doesn't want to confuse her or scare her away. Feeling the warmth of his breath tickle her lips, Marinette closes her eyes. They stay like that for a few minutes.

Chat Noir leans back, ruining the moment. "I'm sorry Marinette, that was forward of me. I don't want to pressure you into anything you're not ready for." He reaches up and brushes a strand of hair from her face. "I care about you and I don't want to mess things up between us."

Marinette offers a smile, as a strange feeling sinks in. "It's okay Chat, I appreciate your honesty. I care about you too, but I need time to figure things out. I don't want to rush into anything right now."

Chat Noir nods. "I understand. I'll be here for you whenever you need me, as your friend."

Marinette nods, feeling grateful. "Thank you Chat, I'm glad we can talk like this."

They sit together in comfortable silence, enjoying the view of the park. Chat Noir points out some constellations in the sky. As Marinette listens with interest, she feels a sense of peace and contentment, knowing that she has a friend who cares about her. She knows that she will be okay even if things don't work out with Adrien.

As they make their way back to Marinette's balcony, Chat Noir pauses and turns to her. "Marinette, can I ask you something?"


"Would you like to go on a picnic with me this weekend? Just as friends. I know a great spot by the river and I thought it would be a nice way to spend the afternoon."

Marinette's smile grows, feeling a warmth in her chest. "I'd love that Chat, thank you."

Chat Noir grins. "Great, I'll see you on Saturday then."

He gives her a quick hug and a wave before disappearing into the night. Marinette watches him go, feeling grateful for his friendship. She knows that she still has a lot to figure out, but she is looking forward to spending time with Chat Noir and seeing where things might lead

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