Choreographing the Future

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Content Warning: This chapter contains fruits of a citrus nature and themes of dominance and submission. Reader discretion is advised. If you find such content uncomfortable or triggering, please consider skipping when the [⚠️trigger warning⚠️] message is shown. A new [⚠️Safe⚠️] message will be visible when it's over.

Always remember to look after yourself and your wellbeing.

Ladybug cautiously makes her way through the quiet streets of Paris, the moonlight casting a soft glow on the city. The events of the day have left her heart racing with anticipation and a touch of nervousness. She can't help but feel a sense of excitement as she approaches the Agreste mansion, determined to have a long-overdue conversation.

Adrien, having meticulously prepared his bedroom for this special occasion, feels a mix of nerves and anticipation. He wants everything to be perfect for Marinette's visit, hoping to create an atmosphere that will encourage open and honest communication. Candles flicker softly, casting a warm and romantic ambiance, while soft music plays in the background.

Plagg sits on Adrien's desk, watching his holder meticulously change the pillows on the white couch in his room. "You know, Marinette is coming over so you guys can finally talk. Not to hang from the chandelier, right?"

Adrien chuckles, his heart racing with a mix of excitement and nervousness. "Alright, Plagg, I promise we'll talk, but I can't guarantee that nothing else will happen. Love has a way of surprising us, doesn't it?"

Plagg smirks mischievously, popping a piece of cheese into his mouth. "If you two do get up to anything, please keep me out of it for tonight, alright? I've had my fair share of your hormones. It's Tikki's turn now. She keeps saying how that kind of stuff doesn't bother her."

As Adrien finishes arranging the pillows on the couch, he hears a soft fluttering sound outside the window. His heart skips a beat, and he turns to see Ladybug standing gracefully in the open window, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. Adrien's breath catches in his throat, struck by her beauty and the significance of her presence in his room.

Plagg flies over and sits on Adrien's shoulder. "You okay kid? I know you've been dreaming of this moment for ages, so don't screw it up."

Taking in a shaky breath, Adrien walks over to his window, his hand outstretched. "Here allow me, Princess."

Ladybug takes Adrien's hand and gracefully steps inside the room. "Thank you, Chaton," she says, her voice filled with gratitude.

As her eyes sweep across the beautifully arranged scene, Ladybug can't help but smile. "You've truly outdone yourself, Kitty," she remarks, appreciating the romantic ambiance.

Her attention then turns to Plagg, who is still perched on Adrien's shoulder. "It's nice to see you again Plagg," she says warmly, acknowledging their familiar companion.

Plagg gives Ladybug a small nod, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Likewise, Marinette," he responds before excusing himself and flying back to the desk, where his beloved cheese awaits. "Remember, kid, it's my night off. No transforming," he reminds Adrien with a playful tone.

Adrien, his hand still entwined with Ladybug's, guides her to the inviting white couch and settles down beside her. A swirl of emotions fills his chest, causing his throat to tighten. His gaze remains fixed on her enchanting bluebell eyes, which hold a depth of love and understanding that leaves him breathless. In a tender moment, Ladybug leans in and presses her lips against his, a sweet and affectionate kiss that leaves Adrien momentarily speechless.

"Wow..." Adrien finally manages to utter, his voice filled with awe and disbelief. The reality of having Ladybug in his room is still sinking in, overwhelming him with a mix of joy and wonder.

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