Gaming Sparks

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Marinette rushes down the street, her bag slung over her shoulder, the weight of responsibility weighing on her. She had promised herself she wouldn't be late this time, that she would prioritise her social life. But fate had a different plan, as Shadow Moth chose to Akumatize someone just an hour before her scheduled meet-up at the arcade.

Sighing in frustration, Marinette can't help but feel torn. She wants to be there for her friends, to have a carefree evening of fun and laughter, but duty calls and she can't ignore her responsibilities as Ladybug. With a determined expression, she quickens her pace, not wanting to keep her friends waiting any longer than necessary.

As she rounds the corner, Marinette spots the familiar entrance of the arcade, a neon sign beckoning her inside. Looking around it doesn't take Marinette long to spot Alya casually standing outside the doors.

"Hey. Sorry I'm late. There was an Akuma and I only managed to capture it not long ago." Marinette explains, her breathing uneven.

Shoving her mobile phone into her pocket, Alya smiles. "No worries girl, I saw it on the news. If it makes you feel any better, Adrien was late too. He got here barely a few minutes ago."

Marinette raises an eyebrow, looking around. "Wait, Adrien was late too? Where is he?"

"I sent him inside with Nino, so we can talk privately."

Marinette shifts uncomfortably, wondering what Alya wants to say. "Oh, about what?"

"Adrien of course. Come on girl! You can tell me; I know you're putting on a front around him. I just want to make sure you're doing okay?"

"Me? Uhh... Yeah. I'm doing better. We're doing better. I'm now able to talk to him, more or less the same as before." Marinette explains.

"Uh-huh." Alya retorts, arms folded. "Are you sure there isn't anything else you want to tell me?"

Marinette averts her gaze, fidgeting with her hands. "Erm... No, there's nothing else. Just the usual Akuma stuff, you know."

Sensing her friend's reservations, Alya sighs in defeat. "Alright girl, I hear you; I won't push it. Just remember I'm here when you're ready to talk, okay?"

Marinette offers a small smile, grateful for Alya's understanding. "Thanks Alya. I will. Let's go and find them; I think we've kept the boys waiting long enough."

Pushing the big glass doors open, Marinette and Alya head inside the arcade together, the lively sounds and flashing lights engulfing them as they step through the doors. They spot Adrien and Nino at a nearby gaming console, engrossed in a virtual battle. Adrien's eyes light up with a playful glimmer as he catches sight of Marinette.

"Hey, Marinette! Glad you could make it," he says, his voice carrying a hint of teasing. "Nino and I were just getting started. Are you ready to join in and see if you can keep up?"

Marinette's heart skips a beat, a subtle blush tingling her cheeks at Adrien's playful tone. She returns his smile, her own playfulness emerging. "Oh, you're on, Adrien! I've been practising and I won't go easy on you."

Alya watches their interaction with an amused expression, nudging Marinette with a knowing grin. "Seems like Adrien thinks he has what it takes to take you on. I hope you're ready to show him what you've got."

Adrien winks at Marinette, his charm shining through. "I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm always up for a challenge, especially when it comes from someone as talented as you, Marinette."

Marinette's cheeks flush a deeper shade of pink, her heart racing as Adrien's charm takes hold. Her words stumble over each other in a mixture of excitement and nervousness. "Oh. Well then, show me what you've got, Agreste!"

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