The Puzzle Pieces Fit

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Marinette's frustration reverberates through her attic bedroom, her voice echoing in the confined space. She did her duty of staying calm around Chat Noir that morning and even held it together around her parents, but now she had the house to herself, she was free to really express her deepest feelings.

"I can't believe it! Out of all the people in Paris, it had to be you!" Marinette shouts, her arms outstretched at her locked computer screen. The image displayed is a photo of Adrien's smiling face, his eyes shining with warmth and familiarity. "Don't look at me like that." She says, turning her back to her desk. "I've seen you naked."

As though provoking a reaction, Marinette whirls around, forcefully slamming her hands on the wooden desk. "Why did you have to appear with such swagger and charm? It was only a matter of time before I succumbed to the enchantment of those mesmerising eyes of yours." Her voice quivers, reflecting a turbulent blend of frustration and heartache. "You told me you didn't share the same feelings, so why did you bother showing up?" Tears well up in her eyes as she continues, "I love you so much. It hurts to breathe and then you had to go and get yourself hurt, pretending it was just part of your duty. You really scared me!"

After witnessing Marinette's outburst, Tikki attempts to soothe her.

"Marinette, I understand that it feels overwhelming right now, but let's not jump to conclusions. It's possible that their injuries are unrelated, just a coincidence," Tikki suggests, her voice filled with reassurance.

"No! No! It's more than that! Adrien has been acting differently around me, too. He jokes a lot more, challenges me when we play games together. He appears happier, carefree even- which is great, but..." Marinette's voice trails off, her eyes downcast.

Tikki gently interrupts, prompting Marinette to voice her concerns. "But what, Marinette?"

"But... I wish he felt like that around me sooner, you know? Why did it take him being transformed to be so carefree and happy?" Marinette's voice quivers with a combination of sadness and confusion. "What was preventing him before?"

Tikki's gentle tone fills the silence. "Maybe he felt more himself, more at ease as Chat Noir. Sometimes people find it easier to express themselves when they're not bound by their responsibilities."

"Which brings me to my next dilemma. Why did he reject me if he was interested in me all along?"

"Sometimes people need time to work through their own feelings too. Remember, I was there listening to Chat Noir express his struggle with Ladybug's rejection; your rejection."

Marinette's frustration subsides, but a sense of guilt lingers. She clenches her fists, her voice filled with self-doubt. "So you're saying it's my fault all this happened?"

Tikki quickly intervenes, her voice firm yet gentle. "No, Marinette, not at all. You couldn't have known back then what you know now. We all make choices based on the information we have at the time. It's not your fault."

Marinette's gaze softens, a mixture of relief and sadness in her eyes. "I guess you're right, Tikki. I shouldn't blame myself for things that were beyond my control. But it still hurts to think that he knew he had hurt me and yet pursued me as Chat Noir."

Drawing nearer, Tikki hovers in a comforting proximity. "Marinette, I don't believe he was intentionally pursuing a romantic relationship with you. It seemed to have unfolded naturally. You both found yourselves falling in love, it's quite a beautiful thing, really." Tikki's words carry a gentle reassurance, emphasising the organic nature of their connection and offering a positive perspective on their feelings.

Marinette's eyebrows furrow as confusion sets in. "I thought Kwamis didn't fall in love?"

Tikki chuckles softly. "We don't, but I've been around for centuries, Marinette. I've witnessed how love affects people. And I must admit, I'm no stranger to a good romance novel."

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