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Ladybug and Chat Noir enter the school with their guard up. The young man follows close behind, staying near the hero's side. They look around trying to spot any signs of the Akuma. They see more origami birds flying in the air, some of them carrying pieces of paper with messages on them.

"What do they say?" Ladybug asks, her expression pensive.

The young man grabs one of the papers and reads it aloud. "It says 'I'm sorry for everything. Please forgive me.'"

"Who wrote this?" Chat Noir enquiries.

"I don't know. But it sounds like someone who feels guilty about something." The young man points out.

"Maybe it's the Akuma. Maybe they're trying to apologise for something they did wrong." Ladybug suggests.

Chat Noir, always the voice of scepticism, raises an eyebrow. "Or it could be a cunning trap, a ploy to lure us into a false sense of sympathy."

Ladybug, never one to take chances, swiftly strategizes, "You might be right. Let's ensure safety first. I don't want anyone getting caught in the crossfire. Chat Noir can you escort this young man out of the school and any other people you see along the way?"

Chat Noir nods, guiding the man out of the school. Once safe, Chat Noir hurries back inside where Ladybug waits. Suddenly, a cacophony erupts from the cafeteria. They dash towards it, their hopes of finding the Akuma intensifying. Bursting through the door, they're left in awe by the surreal sight before them. The cafeteria is filled with origami animals of all kinds. There are lions, tigers, bears, elephants, giraffes, monkeys and more. They are all moving and making noises, creating a chaotic scene. In the middle of it all, there is a girl sitting on a table. She has long brown hair and green eyes. She is holding a pair of scissors and a stack of paper. She looks up and sees Ladybug and Chat Noir.

She smiles and waves at them. "Hi! Welcome to my origami zoo! Do you like it?" she asks, sounding hopeful.

Ladybug and Chat Noir recognize her instantly. Lila Rossi, a notorious liar and troublemaker.

"Lila? What are you doing here? What have you done?" Ladybug asks, horrified.

Lila shrugs. "I'm just having some fun. I've always loved origami, you know. It's such a beautiful art form. You can make anything you want with just a piece of paper and some scissors."

She cuts a piece of paper and folds it into an origami snake. She throws it at Ladybug and Chat Noir, who dodge it.

"See! Isn't it amazing?" Lila exclaims.

"It's not amazing, it's dangerous! You're hurting people with your origami!" Chat Noir states.

Lila frowns. "Oh, don't be such a party pooper. I'm not hurting anyone, I'm just expressing myself."

She cuts another piece of paper and folds it into an origami dragon. She throws it at them and they dodge again.

"Besides, I have a good reason for doing this." Lila admits.

"What reason?" Ladybug asks.

Lila looks at them with a sad expression. "I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for lying to everyone. I'm sorry for hurting Marinette. I'm sorry for being a bad person."

Ladybug and Chat Noir are stunned. They didn't expect Lila to apologise. They wonder if her apology is sincere.

"Why are you apologising now? What changed?" Ladybug asks.

Lila sighs. "I don't know. I guess I just realised how lonely and miserable I am. I lie because I want people to like me. I want to be popular and admired, but it never works; people always find out the truth and hate me. Even the ones who pretend to be my friends are only using me for their own benefit."

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