Parallel Battles

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10:15 am

Ladybug swings through the city, her yoyo extending and retracting with precision. She had spotted something fast and purple fly above her head not so long ago. She felt it best to go check it out, just to be safe. Once transformed, Ladybug took off in the direction it flew. Locating the butterfly wasn't too hard, once Ladybug caught sight of it again, she followed it closely, not taking her eyes off it. She had decided it was best to attempt to cleanse it before it found its target host.

The Akuma flutters ahead, spreading chaos in its wake. No Akuma had this kind of power to cause damage in its path. What was Shadow Moth up to? How did he manage to create such a strong Akuma? Was he aware that Ladybug was tailing his attack?

Ladybug leaps from rooftop to rooftop, her agility unmatched. Her mind is focused, her determination unwavering. The need to nip this Akuma in the bud is the most important thing right now. Alya will understand.

10:17 am

Meanwhile, Adrien is sitting on a cold floor of a non-functioning elevator, staring pensively at the closed metal doors, wishing for them to open. The emergency lights cast an eerie glow, illuminating his furrowed brow. He fiddles with his ring, his thumb tracing the intricate design. It was a constant reminder of his untapped power; his untapped potential. He heaves a heavy sigh, frustration clearly visible on his face. Why today of all days for an Akuma to show up? This was meant to be his day off; his father gave his word, no more modelling gigs for a while. He had plans with Nino to play video games while the girls had a spa day. Instead he was told a fellow teen model was sick and they needed a replacement ASAP, and his life was pulled out from under him, again.

Feelings of annoyance race through Adrien's head. The events of how he ended up in this mess plays on his mind. Adrien hadn't even managed to set two feet out of the car, when he was ushered into a building by his bodyguard. Next thing he knew, a bomb-like sound had gone off close by. Being the superhero he is, Adrien had tried to escape his crew members to go help the people, but his bodyguard was adamant and pushed him into one of the elevators, as another explosion went off, this time right above them.

10:20 am

Ladybug lands gracefully on a nearby ledge, her eyes fixed on the Akuma. She pulls out her Ladybug communicator and dials a number. "Come on Chat Noir. Where are you?" The line goes dead, leaving Ladybug feeling annoyed and worried.

She watches the Akuma closely, strategizing her plan. With a swift flick of her wrist, her yoyo extends, wrapping around the Akuma and pulling it closer. She prepares to capture it, her confidence radiating. The butterfly rages against the yoyo, sparks fly everywhere. It breaks free from the yoyo's grasp and takes off again. "Dammit!"

10:25 am

Back in the elevator, Adrien's attention shifts as he hears Plagg's voice. "Adrien, remember what Ladybug said; no exposing your identity. Only use your powers when your life is in immediate danger. Sit tight and wait; it will be over soon."

Adrien sighs, his hand pulling at his blond hair. "I know! I just wish I could do something. I should be out there helping instead of sitting here." he whispers.

"Just wait. Ladybug will set things right again."

10:30 am

The Akuma speeds off, locating its next victim. Not taking her eyes off the butterfly, Ladybug lands on another rooftop close by, catching her breath. Weaving past crowds of people, the Akuma spots a young woman wearing a pair of sunglasses. She is arguing with her boyfriend on the phone; her voice full of anger and hurt. The Akuma senses her negative emotions and swoops down towards her fast.

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