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Hello, dear travelers (readers),

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Hello, dear travelers (readers),

This fanfic was written in November 2022, after I had read C.S. Pacat's Captive Prince trilogy and the books' short stories.

I didn't want to leave that world, and after hours of fanart and discussion forums about the plot and the amazing couple Lamen, I began structuring a fanfic by thinking about what Damen and Laurent's reign would look like after the short story The Summer Palace.

The Captive Prince characters in this story don't belong to me but to C.S. Pacat. By the way, C.S. Pacat is one of the authors I admire the most, and I'm forever grateful for all that Pacat has offered and continues to offer the world with such stunning stories.

This is just a love letter in fanfic format for this wonderful trilogy.

I hope you appreciate it.

Currently, this fanfic is being published by me in Portuguese and this is the translation of my work into English.

English isn't my native language, but I'll do my best to put into words what I want to say.

Thanks for your attention and I hope you enjoy it.

With love,

With love,

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Captive Prince: The Execution of the Dead (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now