☁️ have a rest ☁️

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Handy ? Handy ? Are you okay ?

Hmm...where am I ? My mind was really confuse...

" Oh you wake up !!!"

I was in my bed so...I don't renember so much exept the fact I was working on the bridge worksite

" You really scared me Handy !"

I raise my head and see Hefty sit on mu bed. He seems really worried.

" What's happen Hefty ? I don't understand...
" We were working on the bridge workside. And then, you started to feel a little weak, and five minutes later you suddenly passed out !"

Oh ! It explain everything...oh...wait...

" I...I really did ???"

No ! It is impossible ! I am NOT tired !

" Yes you did" say Hefty " But don't worry, the others will continue the job. You give them really good instruction before to start " he said with a little smile. A cute smile honestly...

" I need to join them so ! I must help them !"

I got up but my head is starting to spin. I immediately fall back on my bed.

"Buddy, you're way too tired for that!"

" B...but...but..."

" No I am sorry but you need to rest ! "

*sight* Me ? Having a rest whereas there are so much work ?!?! So much roadworks ?!?!
Plus, I hate to rest !!! And Hefty should be able to understand me instead of preventing me from joining the others on the construction site

" It's unfair Hefty...You ARE unfair !"

He laughed " You're exaggerating a bit, don't you think?"
" No I don't !!! Because you don't understand how I feel !"

He sighed desperately. "Must I remind you that I already broke my leg?"

Ooooh yeah...I almost forgot that...but wait....

" Yeah but thanks to my invention, you were able to moove !!! I helped you and don't forbidden to moove."

He smiles and laughed of me...I don't see what was so funny !

" Yeah you're right, you helped me. Now it is my turn to help you."

Aaah, he finnally understand ! It's not too soon. I sit on the bed, waiting for his help.

" Cloose yours eyes buddy."

Close my eyes ? " Why ?" I ask confuse

" Don't worry, just trust me."

Okay...I decided to trust him and close my eyes. Suddenly, I feel his hands on each on my shoulders.

" What the f**k are you doing Hefty ?!?!"

" Shhh, just relax" he said with a soft voice.
And he starts to massage me.

" H...Hefty, it is weird." I said, even if I found this a little pleasant. It feel warm and confortable.

" It is not weird Handy, it is the least I can do for someone I like and who help me before."

I started to relax and let him continue. I  started to fell asleep.

" I feel tired Hefty..."

I fell myself fall on his arms. He didn't reject me and let me on him. We stay like that for a moment.

" It is a little strange right...?"

" Shhh" say Hefty as he hold me closer of him. It is so good and warm.
At least, I think I will like to rest.

I was half asleep but I could hear this
" I love you Handy..."
" And I love you Hefty..." I said before to completly fall asleep against his chest.

Hefty smurf

Damn, Handy smurf has a rest ? I didn't expected it would works, but I did it !

" You are so cute when you sleep Handy..." I said as I caress his check.

Hefty x Handy oneshotWhere stories live. Discover now