Chapter 14

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A single sound was heard from a bell hanging above their head as they entered the shop. Adam walked briskly into the shop, sliding his way between the overloaded tables with ease. The store was small, but quite packed. Rows after rows of tables were lined up in the center, covered with various things in complete disorder. Books, weapons, and even dildos were placed on display. On the walls were hung clothes and armor.

"Oh my! If it isn't dear Adam! You finally came to buy something? Won a bounty or something? And who's this bear-like thing behind you?" A small chubby man said, or more like asked as he fired questions after questions in his high pitched voice. Judging by his pointy ears and sparkly wings behind his back, Evan guessed that the man was a fairy. While those were normally slender, this one got a few pounds at the waist, but coupled with his soft blond hair and warm chocolate eyes, it only made him appear homey. The man wore white garments, the tissue flowing with wind of unknown origin, showing off his flour-like skin.

"One question at a time, please, Erwin. Yes, I came to buy something and no, I didn't win a bounty. This huge teddy bear is my slave, but more importantly my companion, Evan. I was wondering if you have some clothes for him. I also wanted to ask you if you knew of any dark sorcerer that could lift his slave tattoo." Adam answered, looking accustomed to having questions thrown at him. Evan felt like the two knew each other for a long time, and it didn't please him.

The slave clenched his chest at the weird feeling.

"Of course! I will be more than happy to dress your giant! As for the dark sorcerer, I know that the owner of Cyprès' inn knows a bit about dark magic, maybe you could ask the receptionist for a meeting. Now, if you could follow me, Mr. Evan..." The little fairy said, drawing Evan's attention. Adam's last sentence finally registered in his mind and Evan nearly developed a whiplash with how fast he turned his head toward Adam. The knight only spared him a glance, before turning around to look at the weapons on the nearest table.

Evan didn't have time to question his master before the fairy took his arm, and with surprising force, dragged him to the backstore.

After Erwin got his moment of playing Dress Evan Up, which was discovered to be easier than he thought as the man used magic to make the clothes bigger, he took back a worn-out slave to his master. Adam was studying the edge of a sword when he heard a cough behind him.

Turning back, his heart nearly stopped beating as he looked at a well-groomed Evan. His overgrown facial hair had been shaved, leaving only a light stubble, while his brown locks had suffered from a well-deserved cut, only leaving strands reaching Evan's shoulder, actually tied into a low ponytail. His face was well-proportioned with a square jaw, and tick eyebrows were on top of piercing maroon eyes. His upper body was enveloped in a tight white long-sleeved shirt, laces around the chest area were left loose, letting his bulging chest out with frizzles of groomed chest hair. The shirt hugged his six packs and Adam couldn't help his eyes from descending, a gasp nearly leaving his lips at the sight of the immoral bulge between Evan's two legs shown off by the skin-tight brown leather pants. His thighs and calves looked ripped off by the fabric and finally, the outfit was completed by small brown boots.

All in all, he looked like a snack.

Adam's body responded a few minutes of staring later, along which Evan had started to wiggle uncomfortably in front of him, tugging down at the tunic to cover his much apparent private parts.

Adam's first reaction was to gulp.

The second was to make sure his semi-hard didn't show too much.

The third...

The third didn't happen because Erwin took this time to make his presence known, keeping Adam from making an unholy scene in his shop.

"What do you think? He looks stunning, doesn't he? I also put other outfits in this bag, you can check them out. As for the clothes you reserved the few times you came here, they are all in this bag here. Do you have anything else you want to buy?" Erwin said gloatingly, as if he was showing off his son to a girl. Adam shook his head with a smile, before putting the sword he had in hands on top of the pile gathered on the cashier counter.

"You look good, Evan. What weapon do you prefer? I will buy it for you." Adam sent the words to Evan, but his eyes quickly darted around, not daring to look at the temptation placed before him. No one had ever affected him like that, and he wasn't sure he was liking this feeling of things getting out of his control.

Even worse, he had only known the man for maybe half a day.

Adam felt even more ashamed than he already was.

So what if he found the slave's soul and body to his liking? The latter wouldn't even glance at him with as much want as he did, that was for sure. Adam knew he wasn't ugly, far from it, but he felt like the giant could find someone better than him. After all, not everyone liked a dark skinned partner, nor his wild features, which were not in the pretty category. Evan must have had his fair amount of master that wanted to use him as a sex slave, he didn't need another master lusting over his body.

Soon, Evan would be freed from the slave contract, and he would be able to choose his destiny.

Adam feared that the man would leave him, but it was only fair to free the man.

Only, Adam would need some time to heal his broken heart if Evan really left.

Hey dear readers, do you think Evan will leave?

What do you think of Erwin?

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See ya next update :)

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