Chapter 62

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Hang On To Yourself by Palaye Royale~

Adam and Blaze exited the cave, joining a bored-looking Evan. The giant gave them a nod, before taking his back off from the snake's corpse on which he had been leaning on. The slave didn't comment, or ask questions, he only approached the warrior and looked down at the pet in his arms. Adam was debating whether to hand the fury beast to his lover or keep him when Evan reached his hand out.

The warrior looked with wide eyes, but not as wide as Blaze's, as Evan ruffled the fox's head. The slave took his time as he caressed the fur, lingering atop the beast's soft ears, and then letting his hand rest at his side.

Without a word, the giant took hold of the ropes around the snake's body and started to pull toward the city. Adam and Blaze exchanged glances, and the warrior smiled down at the stunned animal.

"Told ya." He whispered before following behind his partner, a bounce in his step.

They reached the city later than planned, as Blaze hadn't recovered yet enough to walk, which meant that Adam had to carry him, so Evan was stuck with carrying the snake's corpse alone. The giant may be strong, but the monster's corpse was pretty heavy.

Still, they came to a stop before the city's walls without any incidents, looking at the guards running around like headless chickens. The men and women exchanged whispers and worried gazes as they saw the snake's huge body coming from afar. They had started to form a barrier before the wall, soldiers preparing canons from above the walls.

However, they soon realized that the beast was already dead when their eyes allowed them to see the beefy man pulling on ropes around the corpse. They had trouble believing that the adventurer had dragged the monster from afar, the corpse leaving a deep trail behind it.

The snake wasn't a monster normally seen, so the guards guessed that the adventurer must have found it far away, and then dragged it there, which was impressive. They rarely had such strong adventurers.

The men and women guarding the doors relaxed their stances, and the canons were disarmed. Still, they had to check the adventurer's identity, so they stayed in their position. The man's head and body were covered with a black cape, making it impossible to see under it.

A man and a woman, both in the middle of the formation, crossed their swords before the door, yelling for the man to push down his hood and show his identification papers. The giant only grunted, titling his head back as if looking behind the monster. The guards followed the direction, realizing that another person had been hiding behind the snake, wearing another cape, but a white one, and holding a furry creature in his arms.

One foolish man was ready to yell at the suspicious people to immediately stop and put their hands up, but his companion stuck him behind the head when he saw what grave mistake he was going to commit. The man with his head hurting looked with offence at his friend, only to be met with the scornful gazes of all his comrades. He chose to shut up.

All the guards made way for the adventurers and their prize, bowing low as they didn't want to offend them.

Rare were those that hadn't heard about the accident when the two men arrived with their fox. Only the new recruit hadn't had time to be informed of the procedures if the guards were to meet the couple. They had been ordered to bend in four if necessary, to never question them and to make sure never to irritate the smaller of the two men.

No comments or moves were allowed toward the fox.

Their commander didn't want to risk a war, because he knew that his guards, even if all mobilized, would lose against those two adventurers, it was a gut feeling, and those were never wrong.

Evan and Adam bypassed the bowing guards, taking with them the monster's corpse.

The warrior's body relaxed, having been ready to fight if necessary. He couldn't take off his hood or his face could be recognized, even if the wanted poster was far from resembling. He had been calculating how much time it would take him to throw Blaze out of his arms, grab his spear and kill all the guards. He guessed that it would take three minutes, mostly because he would have to drop Blaze with caution to make sure the fox wasn't injured by the fall.

Luckily, he didn't need to execute his plan.

Passersby looked at them with fear and admiration, their eyes glistening with money as they nearly salivated at the sight of the big beast. Such a big monster would sell well and would also provide enough meat for a small villager to sustain itself for a year.

The couple ignored the gazes they were receiving, headed to their guild where they exchanged the snake's corpse for plenty of money. The receptionist, which they didn't recognize, was regretful that the monster's core had been taken, as it would have given them a hefty sum, but both men were pretty nonchalant about it. Blaze's evolution was more important than money.

The two lovers and their pet then chose a few other quests, their level having risen once again with the new prey they had just brought. More challenging quests were accessible now, and they didn't hold back from choosing all the interesting ones. They needed money and mostly experience. They wanted to solidify their trio and created a better bond when fighting.

The battle they just fought had shown that their coordination could be ameliorated.

Like they say, practice makes better.

Evan and Adam, the latter still holding Blaze, headed out of the guild after pocketing plenty of quests, and went to rest in their inn. They agreed to eat at the inn tonight, the food somewhat acceptable and, even if pricey, quite good to boost morale. Blaze was also granted the right to have an expensive steak to eat, as Adam said, it was to celebrate his evolution and congratulate him. They would normally cut on food to avoid spending too much, but Adam thought that the fox deserved it, even more after everything he went through. Evan, even if unaware of Blaze's past, could feel that Adam was right.

He hadn't asked about what his lover and son talked about, and Adam hadn't felt the need to tell him, it wasn't his place to do so. Blaze would tell Evan when he was ready, and only then. For tonight, the couple chose to head early to bed, not engaging in some night's activities like they would have done normally.

After a night of well-deserved rest, they would need to complete the other quests.

Hey dear readers, they levelled up!

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