Chapter 32

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Do I wanna know? by Arctic Monkeys~

Evan quickly undid his shoelaces, cursing under his breath at the complicated knots he had made. The growing bulge in his pants was also making it more difficult for him to bend. After he had taken his shoes off and shirt too, the giant prepared to undo his belt. However, a distant growling sound interrupted his moves.

The slave looked up at his master, seeing the latter glancing back at him with a raised brow before looking back at where the sound had come from. Adam smoothly headed toward the shore where Evan was, not daring to turn his back at the monster not far away.

They couldn't see anything beyond the dense bushes, but they could hear twigs snapping and birds flying around, completely panicked. Adam still had water to his waist when suddenly a black and red form hurriedly emerged from the forest. Behind it another bigger one came out, chasing it.

Adam and Evan's eyes widened as they recognised that the smaller animal was a melanistic fox. Its ears were ginger, along with its belly and back side. However, its face, paws, back and tail were all a deep black. The monster was gorgeous with its flaming orange eyes.

The other animal was also a melanistic fox, but bigger, it appeared to be an adult while the other was more of a teen. Also, its fur was dirty and his eyes a bloody red. Saliva dripped down its jaw as it snapped his teeth at the fox's escaping tail. Adam felt a shiver as he recognized those eyes. It was the same as the saber-tooth.

Evan and Adam watched from the side lines as the small fox whined and tried to escape from the bigger one's deadly mouth. The cute creature sadly had gashes on his side and it was limping, making it difficult to go fast.

The warrior briefly made eye contact with the distressed fox, seeing all the pain in its orange iris. Their eyes only met for a few seconds before the animal continued to run around the river. Still, it was enough for the warrior to feel a deep attachment to the monster, recognizing the eyes as his own when he had been suffering from his family's torture. A deep anguish filled his heart and Adam made an impulsive choice that would change Evan's and his life.

An unknown power passed through his whole body as he raised his right arm. He closed his eyes before opening them with a focused mind. Suddenly, the water near the two foxes started to boil before emerging into the form of a sharp cone. The water proceeded to freeze as it reached the bigger fox, impaling its body and nearly separating it in two halves.

The crazy monster died on impact.

As if his energy was drained from his body, Adam fell to his knees in the water, nearly drowning. Evan hurried forward to catch him, not bothered by his now wet pants. The warrior placed his hands on Evan's biceps, leaning on him as he tried to catch his breath. His members felt heavy and his lungs couldn't properly get oxygen in them, but he strangely felt stronger than ever, filled with unending mental energy.

"Is everything fine, master?" Evan asked, letting the nickname slip as he was quite shaken by what just happened. Adam had told him he could only make small snowflakes with his power, but this deadly giant ice spear was very far from the cute and soft snowflakes. Using so much mana would surely have grave consequences on his master's body.

"I-I think so. My body is just really tired, but I feel like I just uncovered my abilities. It's the same feeling as when I first discovered I could make ice, but stronger." Adam answered breathlessly. He couldn't exactly explain it to someone who had never felt it before. Words were difficult to place on the electricity running through his mind and mana vessels.

Before Evan could place another word, a soft whimper was heard just across from them. Both men quickly turned their head toward the sound, nearly getting whiplash. On the shore was crouching down the smaller melanistic fox, looking at them with wide eyes as it laid on its stomach.

The couple titled their head, not understanding what the animal was doing. It hadn't run when given the chance, but it also seemed harmless. The fox didn't have any intention in hurting them.

It just looked at Adam with what seemed like worry in its eyes, which was a strange emotion for a monster to have. Still, both Evan and Adam had never really interacted with animals apart from the monsters they had to hunt, so maybe it was normal.

"I'm fine, don't worry. You should go back to your home." Adam unconsciously said. The words left his mouth as if he was talking to a child before he could even register what he was saying. The warrior snorted as he realized what he had said, thinking he was becoming crazier by the day. First, running away from home, then dating a giant slave that wanted to break his back, and ending it with befriending a monster.

He was truly going senile.

Contrary to his expectation, the fox seemed to understand him. A loud whimper left its body and he nuzzled his extended paws, looking suddenly sad. His ears even went flat on his fuzzy head.

Evan and Adam looked at each other, confused.

As the couple debated what to do, the warrior had an idea. He felt like it was crazier than anything he had ever done, but he had already talked to a fox so it wasn't that bad.

"Do you want to come with us?" The slave looked at his master with saucer-like eyes, silently asking the shorter man if he had hit his head earlier when he fell. Adam rolled his eyes before shaking his head slightly at the giant, telling him to shut up.

The fox immediately perked up.

Its body sprang up like a spring. He started jumping from side to side with small yips leaving its mouth. Evan's mouth hung open, not believing that the animal had understood while Adam hit him in the ribs with his elbow, showing a smug look.

The fox looked at the two men with a confused look, still letting out small happy sounds with its tongue out.

Hey dear readers, do you like the fox?

Dear me, please stop writing Evand instead of Evan and, thank you

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See ya next update :)

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