Chapter 60

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Iris by Goo Goo Dolls~

Adam and Evan separated from the still excited fox, letting the child recover as they sat on the floor a little further away. Blaze had fun running around the snake's body, in his little bubble. It gave enough time for the couple to speak about serious matters.

"I thought of a place where we could go after gathering enough money. I'm not sure if it would be alright with you." Adam started as both men looked at the fox playing, their bodies side to side, shoulders touching and knees brushing.

"I will go wherever you go." Evan said, staring at his master's side profile with deep eyes while the warrior, ignorant, continued to gaze at the kid with fond eyes, his features unknowingly going soft. Adam's lips quivered at the slave's answer, his heart warming up as he really understood just how much the giant liked him. It was a novel experience, but one he didn't regret.

Adam was glad that he went to buy a slave on that fateful day.

Living all those experiences alone would have been way more lonely and sad.

Their couple may not be perfect, both men having mental problems and their pairing not one quite popular with the masses, but they were happy with what they had. Two broken guys finding each other in this crazy world seemed like it was destiny.

Keeping the tears at bay as he realized the luck he got, Adam cleared his throat. He didn't want to break into a full sobbing session.

"I think that we could head to the Aleksy's tribe. I found clues about my birth mother, she may have been from there. I would like to learn more about her, if it's alright with you." Adam peeked under his eyelashes to look at the giant's reaction, only to make eye contact with the slave as he had already been looking at him. His cheeks burnt a little, but he acted tough to keep his composure. He may have said it like it wasn't a big deal, but Adam had always been curious about his mother since he discovered the pendant with her picture in it. Thinking of the necklace that was hung around his neck, falling on his chest under his tunic, the warrior touched it. Since finding it, he always wore it hidden under his clothes, the cool touch it brought was a constant reminder that he may have had someone who cared about him in this world.

Of course, after meeting Evan and then starting to develop feelings for the giant, he spent less time rubbing the metal between his fingers. However, from time to time, as he lay sprawled on the bed in the middle of the night, he would caress the pendant, dreaming about a normal life with his birth mother. He wondered if he would have been able to grow up in a normal and loving family if she had still been there.

Those sessions always ended with him wondering why his mother had left.

"I'm fine with that." Evan's words woke Adam up from his thoughts. His brain processed the giant's answer and then he let a small but thankful smile stretch his lips. A bubbly feeling erupted in his stomach and on an impulse, the warrior pecked the giant's cheek, his soft lips brushing against the stubble growing there. He realized that he liked his man hairy and beefy like Evan, and the giant made sure to take care of his hair just for him, so that the warrior could comfortably lay his head on his hairy chest at night without worrying about the sanitary aspect of it.

It always made him imagine that he was lying on a big teddy bear.

This time, however, he wouldn't let anyone break or take away his plush. It wouldn't end with just a finger bitten off like the first time.

Evan was tempted to prolong the kiss and maybe escalate things further, but he knew that it wasn't what the warrior had in mind when he pecked his cheek. It was only a sign of gratefulness, and the giant didn't want to ruin the sweet moment because of his horniness.

"We are going to see dad's mom!?" Blaze exclaimed, having heard the conversion from where he was seated on the snake's head. The fox jumped down, his feet making a pitter-patter sound as he hurried to the two men's corner. The shifter was excited about the prospect of seeing the person who gave birth to his dad, he wondered if she looked like him, and if she was as kind and smelt as good as him.

"Not exactly, I don't know where she is, or if she's even alive. I want to find clues about her." Adam didn't want to diminish the fox's excitement, but it was better to be truthful. He took out the pendant around his neck from in between his chest and tunic, caressing it preciously before opening the two plates of metal. There lay the picture of his mother, she was as beautiful as the first time he had seen her. No matter how many times he watched her, he couldn't get enough, his heart always squeezing at the thought of meeting her one day.

He didn't want to get his hopes up, but it was already too late.

He wanted to meet her, desperately so.

"She's beautiful, but not as much as you. Now I understand where you got your mouth-watering muscles from." Evan said, a teasing glint in his eyes as he tried to cheer up his lover. He didn't like seeing his partner so down. And it was the truth, in his eyes, no one was as wonderful as his hedgehog, not even his mom. Also, the woman had an amazing body, her muscles not looking too big or weird on her, it fit her, just like her son.

She looked strong and confident.

If he ever had the chance of meeting her, Evan wanted to thank her for bringing such a lovely man into this fucked up world. He was on the verge of becoming crazy before meeting Adam, but now he felt like he had never felt before, strong emotions and as if he was truly human.

He no longer felt like an object, a slave to be passed around and one whose master would eventually grow bored with.

He felt alive.

It was something powerful, love.

Hey dear readers, here's a little chapter to have more insight on the characters' feelings, hope you enjoyed it.

They have their next destination now! Who guessed it right?

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