Chapter 61

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Centuries by Fall Out Boy~ (my favorite song live)

Blaze finally recovered enough strength after a few hours. While they waited, Adam and Evan had come up with a plan to reach the Aleksy's tribe, and they also took the opportunity to hunt more monsters in the surroundings. They could always exchange the meat at a butcher for money or food, and the pelt at a clothes' store.

Adam watched with amazed eyes as Blaze changed back into his fox form. He couldn't believe the process, it was like magic. Blaze held his head high in the air as he glowed under the attention he was getting. Evan even gave him a salted beef piece as a reward. The giant had seen fathers reward their children if they did something incredible, and he felt like it was the case here.

Not because Blaze could freely transform from a fox to a human child, but mostly because he could rarely see such a childish awe on his lover's face. He found it cute.

Adam put his own tunic back on, returning to its owner the one that Evan had landed him. The couple then headed toward the cave's opening, pulling the snake's corpse with strong ropes wrapped around it, but Adam glanced back as he didn't hear the small pitter-patter of the fox's little paw on the floor. His eyebrows furrowed as he saw that Blaze was standing in the same spot as where he had transformed.

He clasped his mouth shut before the words left his lips, seeing the way the fox was looking hesitantly at the giant at his side. He titled his head, wondering why Blaze didn't want to speak before Evan, but chose to play along for now.

He gave a look at the giant, silently nodding toward the light coming from the cave's opening. Understanding the message, Evan pulled the snake alone until he was outside, then headed further away to let Adam and Blaze alone in the cave.

The warrior approached the shifter, and then sat beside him.

"What's wrong, Blaze?" Adam asked quietly, not wanting to scare the timid child away. The fox was normally loud and full of energy, so seeing him so hesitant and timid was a rare sight.

"I-Please don't abandon me if I tell you...Promise me!" Blaze spoke in his fox's form. It felt weird, like the sound was coming from the creature's muzzle, but not quite. It was more like a telepathic message. Adam grew even more confused, but nodded anyway. He didn't have any plans on leaving without the fox, even if the shifter announced that he needed to eat human's meat. Adam could find a way to have a constant supply.

"I'm too weak to walk... I'm sorry..." The fox whimpered, small broken noises leaving his little form, his body shaking like a leaf. From the way the shifter was reacting, Adam felt like there was some kind of story hidden behind this situation, maybe it was related to the reason why they had found the fox without his family, chased by a crazy beast. Such a young kit was normally sheltered by his family from what little Adam knew about monsters.

Instead of answering with words Adam didn't know if they were right, he chose to do as he always does. Which means putting his words into action. He wasn't a good talker, he didn't know what words could comfort a young child and make him forget his past. What he did know, however, was that actions spoke louder than words.

The warrior stretched his hands toward Blaze, making the terrified pup flinch. His eyes darkened but he continued his move until he was hugging the fox. The kit froze, blinking his eyes open. Adam only smiled down at him before tugging the fox into his arms.

Blaze didn't even think about struggling as Adam got up with him nested in his arms, too frozen to react.

"You were afraid that Evan would be disappointed, right?" Adam asked as they traveled in the cave toward the exit. He had realized that Blaze had taken Evan as his ideal figure, like a role model. He envied the giant's strength, and he must have been afraid of appearing weak before his idol.

"Yes..." Blaze's answer was slightly muted as he buried his face in Adam's bouncy chest, hiding his face in embarrassment.

"Don't worry, Evan's not like that. He already sees you as his family." Adam tried to reassure the kit, but it only seemed to make him more sad as the shifter started to cry again. The warrior's face fell into one of hopelessness as he thought about what he could have said that made the fox cry like that. He stopped on his track and rocked his body back and forth like he had seen mothers do with their crying infants.

"W-what's wrong? Is it something I said?" The warrior asked, feeling like shit. He should have just shut his awkward mouth up and let things go. Still, it didn't feel right to not try and understand their new family's member. Maybe he should read books about communication skills.

Were there classes about how to communicate with others? He would definitely sign up for those.

"N-no... It's just..." Blaze tried to speak in between his sobs, his breath cutting in hiccups. Adam let him calm down, not wanting to hurry him up and stress him even more. After the fox finally stopped crying, he started speaking in a slow way, trying to get the right words out.

"I was always the weakest kit in my family, the runt. I was bullied by my siblings and my parents didn't care about me. When the beasts attacked our home, they all threw me in the front as a sacrifice and ran away without a care about me. It was then that you found me, saving me from a painful death." Blaze revealed, feeling like Adam had the right to know his past. The warrior and his lover had done so much for him already, he could be truthful with them. He may be afraid of being abandoned again, but he would always cherish the memories they made all together even if things really came to that.

"Your family's trash. They are all fuckers that don't deserve you." Adam spoke harshly, Blaze's past angering him to a point that he just wanted to find his family back and skin them. It made him relate with how his own family treated him. Blaze was a sweet child, he didn't deserve to be treated that way.

The fox blinked, shocked at the crude words leaving his dad's mouth.

"Don't worry, Blaze. We are your family now, and family never abandon one of theirs. What you had wasn't a real family. It doesn't matter if you are weak, and you are not, we will care about you just as much as if you were the strongest fox on earth. I swear it. And I know that Evan feels the same way." Adam vowed, his face solemn as he looked directly into the fox's misty eyes. Blaze nodded with a low hum, his nose sour and his throat feeling choked. Adam smiled as he felt the pup nestling into his arms, his furry body relaxing.

Blaze was their son now, it was final.

Hey dear readers, did you expect such a past for Blaze?

He's such a cutie!

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