Chapter 53

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As the trio waited for their food, Adam started to twist on his seat, looking like he was debating some inner struggle. Evan and Blaxe looked at him curiously, wondering what was wrong.

"The bathrooms are to the left behind you..." The giant tried, thinking that maybe the warrior was too shy to ask, as he couldn't see them from his seat. Adam's face burnt a bright red and he choked on his spit. He never thought that Evan would come to such a conclusion. The slave gave a glass of water to his master, watching him gulp down the liquid with his head tilted.

"It's not that! Ahh, fuck it! Here you go, it's a gift for you. I didn't know how to give it to you since it's my first time giving a gift to someone. If you don't like it, just say so, I can return it..." Adam rambled as he threw the bag from earlier toward the giant who caught it, his nibble fingers hurriedly opening his gift. It was his first time receiving something other than non sentimental things that his old masters gave him without taking his opinion into consideration. Just the fact that Adam said he could express his dissatisfaction about the gift was enough to make him over the moon. He doubted he would truly dislike it, in fact, nothing that Adam gave him could disinterest him.

Evan's eyes widened as he took out soft fighting gloves from the bag. They were bigger than normal ones, which was perfect for his large hands. The knuckles were covered in metal plates to inflict much damage and the gloves stopped just under the fingers' joints, making it easier to clench them and form fists. They were a perfect brown that matched his hair and eyes.

"I wanted to give you something to celebrate our first real quest, with Blaze too, but I didn't know what you liked... When I saw them, I immediately thought of you... I hope you like them..." Adam mumbled, embarrassed that he was acting like some teenage girl with a crush. He was a grown man for fuck sake, a warrior, a spearman! Still, he couldn't keep the blush from creeping up his cheeks and ears, tinting them red. Evan got up from his seat, making Adam flinch before he could stop himself. Instead of being angry, like the warrior thought he was, the giant got down on his knees beside Adam.

"Thank you, Master. I love them and I shall cherish them." Evan said as he curled his muscled arms around Adam's powerful waist, bringing his face against his hedgehog's stomach. He rubbed his nose against it, smelling the scent he had grown familiar with over the course of the past few months. Time had flown fast and they were far from the time they had fought until both could no longer lift a finger, their bodies side to side as they breathlessly laid in Evan's cell. The slave would have never even imagined that he would one day fall in love with someone, with a man. His mind would have never been able to see himself growing soft for a noble, even if he was the black sheep of said noble family.

Now, however, he wouldn't trade his place with anyone.

He felt alive, and it was all thanks to the man before him.

Said man was currently struggling in his hold, whisper-shouting to him to let him go as passersby were looking at them. Evan chuckled, shaking his head at the way his master was so unromantic, but decided to be lenient this time and freed the quacking dove trying to fly away.

As the giant returned to his seat, he glanced in amusement at the puffed up bird trying to smooth down his feathers. All the while, Blaze stared at his two masters with shining eyes, liking the way both mates were doing so well together. It was his little family and he was glad to have it.

From where he came from, such love would have never been viewed.

The waitress took this time to bring their hot plates, leaving after making sure that they had everything they needed. Evan did all the talking, his hedgehog still too embarrassed to face anyone at the moment. The trio then respectively dug into their meals, no sound other than soft chewing heard until their plates were clean.

They paid and left, Adam walking further from Evan to avoid any accidental physical contact. Blaze curiously looked between them, not understanding why they were so far away. Seeing the fox glancing their way, the giant decided to play his role of father well and educate their son.

"You see, Blaze, your dad is too embarrassed to face me now. His temper will cool down in a few minutes, don't worry." Evan mercifully explained with a face full of pity, speaking of all the torment he was going through when Adam was throwing a tantrum. The fox nodded as if he understood, choosing to stick closer to the slave and let his master have his space.

Having heard what the giant said, the warrior clenched his fists, his jaw hurting from him grinding his teeth.

What kind of idea was Evan teaching his pet!?

And why was he speaking as if Blaze was their son!??

"I'm not-" Adam was interrupted as he tried to rebuke, a loud trumpet noise having come from the center of the plaza. The family stopped on their way, curious about why there was suddenly such a serious announcement being made. This type of horn was normally reserved to noble families' announcements, and they were rare.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we ask for your cooperation. The Salovski family is currently searching for a thief that stole from them. The man can be considered dangerous, do not hesitate to attack him. They are offering a large sum of money for whoever catches him." A man said as he distributed posters around. A bad premonition rose in Adam's heart, and he asked Evan to fetch a poster for him. Seeing the dark mood in which his master was, the slave didn't hesitate to execute. As he saw what was on the poster, his brows furrowed, but he passed it to Adam as asked. Adam sucked in a cold breath, his temper rising quickly.

There, on the Wanted poster, was his face, drawed in a gruesome way to make him appear as a ugly bandit.

The mention of dead or alive under the portrait burned his eyes.

Hey dear readers, did you guess right for the gift?

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