Chapter 8

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Miguel O'Hara X Reader
Chapter 8

I walked through the halls of the spider society, dodging all the spider people that were walking past me. I only stopped when I met a door with spider therapist on it. I knocked on the door. "Come in." I opened the door to a small room to a spider person wearing glasses, and holding a clipboard.
"Y/N, I didn't think I'd ever see you here." I chuckled and walked in. "Yeah, I didn't either." I sat down on the couch, this was going to be really embarrassing. "So what did you want to talk about?" I felt like burying my head in my hands and never coming out. "Well, I had a dream." He looked at me a little confused, and nodded to get me to continue. "About Miguel."

I ended up explaining the whole dream in detail to him, I'm pretty sure I ended up traumatizing him. "Alright, I don't normally hear about people's spicy dreams, but let's get to the bottom of this." I nodded. "Why would I have a dream like this, especially with Miguel." He looked down at his clipboard, and started reading off of it. "Y/N there's no other way to say this." My heart pumped in my chest, I couldn't be that bad, it was just a dream. "You have a crush on Miguel O'Hara." My jaw dropped, I just came to a therapist so he could tell me I have a crush on Miguel O'Hara. "No way, it was just one dream."

It was not just one dream.
That night I successfully avoided Jessica, and went to bed with no problems. Until I shot up from my bed again in the middle of the night, because I had another Miguel O'Hara dream.
He was in the exact same spot, but this time he had no shirt.
I stayed up for the rest of the night. My hands were cupped to hide my cheeks, which had been pink for the rest of the night.

I ran to the spider therapist office as early as I could. I didn't even bother to knock, and I barged in. Luckily he didn't have anyone else in his room, but I still startled him. "Y/N, why are you here so early?" I stared directly into his eyes. "I had another dream about him." The spider therapist leaned back in his chair. "You mean Miguel, right?" I threw my hands up, and sighed. "Yes." He chuckled. "Take a seat Y/N." I listened to him, and sat down on the same couch that I did yesterday, when I said I didn't have a crush on Miguel. "Do you believe me now?" I sighed again, and covered my face with my hands. "Yes, I believe that I have the smallest crush on Miguel."
"Do you know why you like Miguel?" I shook my head, I was acting like a teenager again. "He's kinda good looking I guess."
The spider therapist nodded. "Come back when you know why you like him. It might lead to something in your past." I shivered, as he ended his sentence.

I walked through the halls, looking over every corner so I didn't run into Miguel like I did yesterday, and so I didn't stumble across Jessica. When I saw it was clear I ran through the halls, and to my kitchen.
Breakfast had already passed, so I didn't need to worry about that, and I could heat up a bunch of frozen pizzas and let people serve themselves.

I put a bunch of pizzas in the oven. While I watched them rise, my dreams about Miguel stayed stuck in my head, Miguel in general was stuck in my head. Every thought I had about him made my heart's pace speed up until I thought my heart would explode.
I looked back at the pizzas, they were done already. I took them out of the oven and placed them on big plates.
I watched people line up and take their pizza, I got tugged out of my trance when I heard the door open. I turned around, and saw Miguel hunting through my fridge. My heart skipped a beat when I saw him.
"Miguel?" My voice was a little shaky. "What are you doing?" He continued searching through my fridge, ignoring me. "Miguel?" I asked again. "What?" He snapped and flipped around. This time it wasn't funny, and he didn't have a piece of bread sticking out of his mouth. I felt like I was a small bug under his presence. "Come on, tell me." His voice was laced with sarcasm. "Um, do you want a slice of pizza?" He looked past me to the steaming pizzas. "Of course I want a pizza." He spoke with a hushed voice, as he walked past me and snatched a whole pizza.

After that the cafeteria was scarily quiet. People quickly grabbed their pizzas, only to sit down and not talk to any of their spider friends.
I was a little shaken up as well, I wonder why he lashed out like that. Maybe I should recommend therapy sessions to him. Who am i kidding, he's definitely already in them, a support group might help him though. But for now I know just the thing to cheer him on.

I whisked together butter, flour, sugar, eggs, salt, vanilla extract, cocoa powder, and the secret ingredient ,love. When I was done mixing everything together I had a perfect chocolate batter. I poured it all into a pan, and placed it in the oven to cook.
While it cooked I licked the bowl clean, and whipped down the counters.
When the brownies were done, the whole kitchen smelled like pure goodness. The brownies had a crispy, and flaky top layer, but underneath they were warm, and fudgy.
I placed two forks in the tray, and picked up the brownies.

I walked to Miguel's headquarters, I stopped once I was in front of Miguel's platform. He was facing away from me, looking at his computers.
I swung up to his platform. Miguel flipped around, he had bags under his eyes. "What are you doing here Y/N? I have things to do." I held the brownies up to his face. "I thought you might need a brownie break." He sighed and sat on the ground, and I followed after him. "Thanks, recruit." We both grabbed a fork, and dug into the brownie. "No problem, why have you been so tense anyways?" He sighed, and stabbed the brownie with his fork. "Spider-byte quit, Peter B. Parker quit, Pavitr Prabhakar quit, and a bunch more quit too." Wow, no wonder I haven't seen a cute, little baby swinging around.
"I'm so sorry, is this all because of Miles?" He nodded. That doesn't make me feel any better about myself. "It's fine, I just need to find some more spider people." We continued to eat in silence, until we finished the whole tray of brownies.
I walked out of the room without saying goodbye.

I stood by the door, my heart was pounding again, and my body was hot. I honestly don't know how I did that without freaking out.

I walked to the kitchen, my heart was still pounding, and my mind was racing. Maybe I should tell Jessica about how I was feeling.

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