ep. 6

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After 2 hours we finally reached the farmhouse. Jeremy got out and untied my hands and legs. As soon as I was free, I kicked him and ran away. I was running for my life while Jeremy was shouting and running behind me. I was looking behind when I stumbled upon a wood log lying on the ground. My leg started hurting so bad and I cried in pain, soon Jeremy was there and he looked at my leg and sighed in frustration.

"Why did you run away? Now you've hurt yourself." He yelled

"I don't want to stay with you! I don't want to be a prisoner. As for my leg, it's fine it's just hurting because it is hurt just now, it'll get better within no time."
Saying this I stood up, I mean I tried to but my leg was hurting so bad that I fell but before I could hit the ground, Jeremy caught me. He picked me up and took me to the house. He placed me on the couch and attended to my wound.

"Looks like you broke your bone."
"What? You can't break your bone by just stumbling upon a wood log"
"You're right, I can't but you certainly can missy. Actually, you did."
"How can you be so sure?"
"My dad was a doctor."
He said
"Ughhh" I growled
"Don't worry I'll do something"

I was so tired that I simply fell asleep and when I woke up I had a cast on my leg. I looked around to see Jeremy but he was nowhere to be found. I used this as an opportunity to run away so I got up and I reached the entrance door hopping on one leg. I tried to open the door but it was locked. That motherfucker had locked me inside a house. I was very pissed. I hopped back and sat on the couch, after a little while he returned with a wheelchair. 

"Where the heck were you and how could you lock me in the house??" he didn't reply and just passed me a packet of chips while opening the wheelchair.
"Oh no no no, I am NOT sitting on that thing"
"You have to. You need it to move around"
before I could say anything he gave me a stern look and I knew I could not fight. I sat on the chair.
"Do you want to see something?"

"Let's go" He took me to the bedroom then we entered the balcony, it was hugee and exactly how I intended to decorate mine. I was very touched. 
"oh my god! this is so beautiful. wow!" I said, astonished
"I knew you would like it. So now please don't try to run away again."
"Then just let me go, yourself"

"Never Emma. You are always staying with me." My smile faded and I realized that I was stuck with him until I run away.
"What about class? our studies?" I asked 
"You worry too much. I've brought all our books and I've threatened our proff. into conducting hybrid classes so we can attend them online." He smiled

I was feeling so done. All I wanted to do was run away. I can't live with him. This man is sick. I need to run away. So I came up with a plan. I will pretend to fall in love with him until I get better, then I will leave this place and move to a different country. Simple, right?

"What do you want to do now?" He asked
"Huh? Well umm..whatever you want to do"
"wanna watch a movie?"
"Yeah sure,"
I said hesitantly. Actually, I wanted to stay and click some pictures of the beautiful scenery so I was looking at Jeremy and the scenery back and forth. 

"Here" Jeremy handed me a camera and my eyes lit up. I got beautiful photos and even asked Jeremy to click some of my pictures then he wanted to click some pictures together so we did that. Afterward, we went to the living room and he turned on the tv and handed me the remote, and went off to the kitchen and brought some popcorn and a cold drink.

I played kal ho na ho on the tv. I was crying throughout the film and Jeremy was consoling me while also laughing at my innocence. Mans really fucked up. Who does not cry while kal ho na ho!!

A/N: Hey everyone! I hope y'all are doing great. Thankyou for completing the target on the previous episode. I am very grateful to all of you. Also, I would love to hear how you all feel about the story till now so comment down and please vote. Let's go for 15 votes on this one. please. I will update the next chapter very soon. Till then wait for me!

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