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After lunch I excused myself to use the restroom. Coming back from there a hand grabbed my waist and pinned me against the wall and another hand blocked my mouth. The man was none other than jullian.
"Hello beautiful, we meet again"
"What are you doing? Leave me"
"Not so fast angel. I told you I'll be coming for you"
"You! You were the one who was sending me those notes."
"You catch on fast."
"What are you doing right now."
"Well nothing much; just kidnapping you."
"Oh ok wait what no no no stop."
"What makes you think your no matters"
"JEREMYYY" I shouted at the top of my lungs
He put his hand on my mouth again and took out a gun. Jeremy came in there running. He looked at us and his eyes widened.

"What are doing jullian" he asked
"Im taking away your lovely girlfriend."
"Stop right now. You know this can end worse."
"Pay backs a bitch isn't it. You took away my rose now I'll take away your Emma"

What? Who is rose? And where is jullian taking me. Fuck this is not gonna end well.

"That's in the past jullian. You know it was a mistake."

"This will also be in the past after 3 years. Then I'll also say it was mistake. We'll be even then"
"Dammit it's not about even or odd you asshole. Leave me right now. I will kill you." I yelled
"Someone's grumpy" jullian replied
I looked at Jeremy. He was obviously scared for me. I gave him a reassuring smile even tho I had no clue what was going to happen next. Jullian took his gun and shot Jeremy in his leg making him yelp in pain. I ran towards him but jullian took a hold of me and hit the gun on my head making me unconscious.


I opened my eyes, adjusting them to the light of the single bulb over my head. I looked around and the place was filthy. Everything was dirty and there were bars on one side. I was probably in a jail or something. I was sleeping on the single mattress laid on the floor and my hands were tied together. I tried getting up but I was feeling too weak. Then someone came in. I was trying to figure out who it was and the person came closer. It was ofcourse jullian.
"Hello beautiful"
"The fuck do you want?"
He laughed.
"Revenge" he said in such a tone that shook my core. What is this motherfucker going to do me.

"My boyfriend will find me"
"That's exactly what I want honey. I will kill you in front of his eyes. He will be helpless and your screams will tear his heart and break him for eternity."


"Shut up bitch"
Alright I should really start controlling my mouth or its gonna land me in deepshit although I'm already in it. I need to do something. I am kidnapped once again but this time the psycho will not hesitate to kill me.

"Why are you doing this?" I muttered
"Because I need to get my revenge on your boyfriend"
"For what?"
"You ask a lot of questions"
"Then it'd be better if you answer some"
He gave me a glare and i realised it was the wrong answer
"Sorry" I apologised
"But atleast tell me the reason of my death" pffh I wasn't going to die. I know Jeremy will save me but I still needed answers.

"3 years ago, me and my bestfriend were hanging out at my place. It was the first time he was visiting my place. We were playing FIFA and my sister walked in. My bestfriend AKA your boyfriend Jeremy saw her. He had a huge grin on his face. Fast forward to a few weeks later. My sister Rose and Jeremy started going out. They were so in love that they wouldn't leave eachother for even a second. But nothing lasts forever and this was gonna take her down. 2 months after their relationship Jeremy's parents died in a house fire. Jeremy was staying at our place that time so he was safe. After his parents death, Jeremy started growing apart. He became more distant. Rose and he would have frequent arguments. Rose was getting depressed because of him. She was on antidepressants and she would barely talk to anyone. Jeremy abused her. When I got to know about all this, I forbade him from seeing her and spent more time with her so she could get better. She was starting to get better when Jeremy asked if he could take her on a date. I opposed the idea but Rose was blind. She agreed to it and they went off to a date where your 'boyfriend' threw my sister off of a cliff. After this he became a maniac. He would go out with a new girl every week and kill her for fun. That was until he laid his eyes on you. I guess you really changed the psychopath or maybe he is going to do the same with you." He laughed hysterically.

It was too much to take in. Why did Jeremy never tell me about this? And how could he kill Her? Part of me believed that there was more to the story but only Jeremy could tell me what happened.

Jullian left and I was left there all alone, thinking about what was gonna happen next. I hope Jeremy was fine. I don't know what time it is. My heart was sinking with each passing second. I was missing Jeremy. I was waiting for him. Where are you Jere. I miss you. Come fast.

My vision blurred and darkness took over.
Another chapter coz I thought why not.
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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2023 ⏰

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