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Bathing, Jay has expected claws and scratches, and though those are what he was prepared for, he had the good intuition that he had nothing to fear with this kitten. He was beyond right.

"- You're such a good kitty."

Jay has never seen the kitten's claws; he starts to believe that maybe, he has none.

"- You never hurt me." He smiles at the little kitten resting in his arms.

Jay knows that he can simply check, yet he has no desire to press his kitten's paws to see what happens next. He also knows that it must not hurt the animal if he were try, yet he cannot help himself; he hasn't the heart to be other than soft and gentle with a cute, little kitten who has been acting so virtuous. Jay can only coo and fawn for him, even when he knows how disgusting he looks.

The kitten is as drenched as Jay. He does not meow or mewl and sits on Jay's chest with his paws patting his collarbones. It made Jay giggle, for its wet fur was surely soft yet ticklish. Since keeping himself above the surface of water seemed to be exhausting for a kitty of such tiny figure, Jay holds him carefully in his palms and pats him from time to time to relax him.

"- Little kitty, you're so still~" Jay chants in a babying tone. "- Aren't kitties normally hyperactive? They get bored easily and can't stay still, right?" He hums and rubs his head tenderly. "- You're so pretty."

The little kitten rests his chin between Jay's collarbones and watches around with his big curious eyes. He looks very funny since his fur is bathed in water and foam, and even though Jay had taken pleasure in laughing at his face, he had then prioritized keeping any foam or soap away from the kitten's beautiful eyes.

Jay sighs, sinking a little more in the warm water, as both foam and paws tickle his skin, and idly strokes the pelage of the kitten's back, petting up and down and drawing circles with his fingers. Jay is almost lying in the bathtub when the kitten sits on his chest and folds his paws under himself; Jay smiles as he thinks back of his wise decision of filling the bathtub less than usual. That way, it was possible for his pretty kitten to sit on him and keep half his little body only underwater.

"- The water is getting a lil cold." Jay yawns. "- And 'm gettin' sleepy... We're getting out soon, yeah? Then, you'll be all clean and will smell so nice." He whispers, scratching the kitten's neck and behind his ear. "- Holidays are going smoothly... Though I want this school year to be over already 'cuz 'm so excited to go to university. I'll be going to SNU isn't that awesome?" He rambles, closing his eyes and sliding further inside the water.

He will be a university student soon.

When Jay opens his eyes again, he sees two round greyish diamonds, the kitten's eyes looking at him without a single blink.

"- Let's go before the water cools down completely, hm?" He smiles down at his small friend. The bath has already less foam and even less bubbles, though it still is shining a mesmerizing fairy-dust like color.

After stretching his limbs a little, Jay holds the kitten in his arms and gets up. When he steps out of the bathtub, he rushes to the small, baby pink towel he had brought for his kitten to wrap him inside, lest the kitten would catch a cold a get sick.

"- You look like a kebab." He remarks after rolling the towel around the little animal. "- Cute." He smiles when the kitten's head peeks out. Jay tugs the towel above his head until it is covering his ears.

He puts the kitten on the stool and wraps his own towel around his waist. With summer's heat, the bathrobe was a little too much and suffocated him, and thus, he habitually only puts on his towel before stepping out of the bathroom. Today was no different, and as he picks up the cat-kebab again and opens the door, a nice wave of fresh air hits his face and his exposed skin, steam rushing out as if to escape the stifling heat of the bathroom. He will have to come back later to clean the room and brush his teeth, yet for now, he plans to stay a little with the kitten after he dresses into his pajamas.

"- You're not cold, are you?" He asks when they approach the door to the bedroom. "- You're shuddering... Or rather, feels like you're vibrating, it's funny." The kitten meows a tiny meow. "- You should meow more often 'cuz it sounds so cute."

Jay puts the kitty on his bed, near his pillows, and slings a blanket above the towel.

"- Now you look like a worm." He nods once, hands on his hips. The kitten looks up at him for a short moment before looking down at his paws and adjusting them beneath his breast. "- 'm gonna change now." He informs and he begins walking to his wardrobe, unrolling the towel in the meantime. He hangs the towel on the hangers stuck to the door of his wardrobe.

Lazily, he flings on some light tee and shorts as pajamas, though in a haste, eager to join both his bed and his new friend.

Jay throws himself on his bed with a loud groan. The kitten does not start nor does he budge; if anything, he only looks at Jay silently. Jay lies down on the mattress and crosses his arms before himself. He lies on his stomach, and the kitty sits comfortably, in a ball, before his face. Jay looks at his eyes, and the kitten looks back without blinking. Jay takes that as a staring contest.

"- I love you so much." He whispers to the kitten; the little animal blinks one time, and Jay chuckles lightly. He smiles when the kitten's eyes start fluttering. "- You're so cute. You don't talk but, I feel less lonely when you're with me."

The kitten unfolds his paw from under his weight and starts tapping softly on Jay's nose. Then, he stops and looks around, keeping his paw over Jay's nose. He looks a bit dumb sometimes, but the cute kind of dumb.

"- You're so calm... You're a kitty, right? Aren't kitties supposed to be more playful?" Jay teases airily. "- You're drying well, hm? It's gonna take a while. Should I take out the hairdryer? Is it okay? Would the noise scare you?"

The kitten meows softly.

"- Right, you're a courageous little guy." Jay chuckles happily and he pats his head.

With a loud groan, Jay prompts himself up and stretches as he gets on his feet. He feels exhausted from today's tutoring and wants to slide under his covers and next to his kitten to get a good night of sleep. Tomorrow was the weekend, and Jay has decided to spend it fully in his house, enjoying the little break with a cute, small kitten sitting lovely on his lap or curled prettily by his thigh.

"- You're like a heater." Jay remarks as he fetches the hairdryer from one of the drawers of his armoire. "- You start heating up when I put you on my lap, it's fascinating. And you start vibrating when you purr... It's weird." Jay cringes. "- Not that I'm judging, of course."

He proceeds to plug the hairdryer behind the nightstand, where a power socket is situated.

"- Maybe, we should have done that in the bathroom instead?" He says absently as he sits near the cat again. He takes him in his arms and dries him a little more with the towel, rubbing the cloth over his damp fur, especially his head and his neck as the kitten blinks slowly at him. "- Here, I will be very gentle, just stay calm, hm?" He takes the hairdryer, keeping the kitten on his lap and the towel loosely around his shivering body. He takes a deep breath, and turn on the hairdryer.

The kitten does not even flinch. If anything, his ears twitch at the sound.

Jay thinks that the kitten must be exhausted today, because he literally starts meditating in his signature sphinx posture when Jay dries his back and his head. After that, he fully wakes up when Jay has to hold him to dry his stomach; he stares at Jay with big eyes but does not meow at all.

"- Finished." Jay announces happily. "- That was easy." He giggles.

Jay dries his own hair, lest he falls sick if he sleeps with it being wet and puts everything back to its place and turns off the main lights of his room, leaving only the night light set on his nightstand; the lamp shines pink and is in the shape of a fluorescent jellyfish, a gift for his 18th birthday from Sunghoon.

"- You look funny. Kinda bigger because your hair is all fluffed." He hums, caressing the soft fur of the kitten. He is not sleeping anymore and instead seemed more awake then he should. "- We're sleeping." He murmurs. "- Goodnight." He kisses the kitten's head and turns off the last light. 

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