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The curse of hearing of someone when you ask yourself 'oh, that person is oddly quiet'.

Lee Heeseung shows up at his door the day Jay and Jungwon plan to do a cozy sleepover together. Jay wondered how Heeseung has been so silent, he wondered if Jake and Sunghoon had gone without revealing the whole cat story to the eldest.

As soon as Jay opened the door, Heeseung barged in, asking to see the famous cat.

"- Where is it? Where is it? Jaeyunie said it wasn't harmful at all!"

When he is calm and composed, Lee Heeseung looks like a very graceful deer. However, he looks no different from an overly hyped hamster when he starts wandering around the place like it is his own.

"- What cat?"

"- Jakehoon said you got a cat! I came to see it!" He starts whining.

What a child.

"- I don't have any cat here. They clowned you." Jay deadpans.

Heeseung does not seem to care, as he bends down to look under the couch and furniture of the living room.

"- Kitty, little kitty~" He chants. Jay scowls at how beautiful his voice sounds so effortlessly. "- Did you watch XO Kitty, by the way?" He asks, though he spares Jay no glances and starts looking inside the vase set up at one of the four corners of the room.

"- ... No." Jay has seen many edits of the show. He still does not feel very appealed by the idea of watching it. Although he would love to watch it with Jungwon; it will be more fun.

"- Hyung, who's... Here."

Jay turns around just in time to see his boyfriend closing the door of his bedroom behind him. Heeseung puts the flowers back with haste, and the two stare at each other before speaking at the same time:

"- Hyung, who's that?"

"- Jay, who's that?"

Jay finds it funny.

"- Jungwonie, this is one of my weird friends, Heeseung-hyung." He introduces.

Heeseung trudges to where Jungwon is and does a reverence before aggressively taking his hand and shaking it powerfully.

"- I'm Lee Heeseung, enchanted, what is your name?" Heeseung introduces himself. Jay side-eyes him; he sounds rather eager.

"- I'm Jungwon, nice to meet you." Jungwon bows politely with a sweet smile.

"- Hee-hyung, can you be normal for once?" Jay groans.

"- Well, my friend, you introduced me as weird so I am being weird." He defends, briefly turning to look at him pointedly

He turns his attention to Jungwon again, and Jay stays watchful. Heeseung ends up staring at Jungwon's face, and Jay takes it as his cue to separate the two, yet Heeseung yelps for no reason at the same time.

"- Oh my! Sweet resemblance!"

"- Pardon?" Jungwon blurts out.

"- Sunghoon kept complaining about it." "- He said 'bleh, all you've missed is Jay acting disgustingly whipped with the cat'." Heeseung quotes, mimicking Sunghoon's repulsed face. "- But I didn't get it! I couldn't figure out that it was their clever, though twisted, metaphor to tell me that you have a boyfriend! Now, now!" Heeseung beams, ending his little monologue with two happy claps of his hands. "- Congratulations! It was great time!"

"- Hey, what do you mean by that..." Jay mumbles, squinting his eyes at Heeseung's suspiciously happy behavior. It is still better for Heeseung to believe that the two meant that Jay has a boyfriend who looks like a cat than Jay owning a real cat. Jay is not ready to deal with Heeseung yet.

"- Jay, my dear friend, you were all single and miserable for such a long time." Heeseung sighs dramatically.

"- Okay, get out of here."

"- Nu-uh." Heeseung shakes his head. "- I'm staying longer."

Jay knows that Lee Heeseung is one of the only people he can never kick out of his house.

"- Thank you so much, Jongseong, for the iced tea, you're a sweetheart." Heeseung chirps. He sits on the sofa with his knees drawn together, holding his glass of iced tea with both hands. He would have fooled anyone with his innocent manners.

"- You obliged me to make it." Jay says simply. Heeseung looks at him for silent moment before turning to Jungwon.

"- I am so glad Jongseong has finally found someone who would take good care of him."

Jungwon seems to be calculating something in his head. His confused face looks both funny and cute.

"- Jongseong... Oh, Jay-hyung." Jungwon smiles.

Heeseung smiles back and nods in tiny. At least, the two are getting along.

"- He has quite temper, so be careful." Heeseung adds, acting so serious Jay might be fooled as well.

Jungwon exchanges a look with him, and Jay offers him a tight-lipped smile.

"- Tell me more." Jungwon asks Heeseung, leaning forward with his elbow on his knee and his chin on his palm. Heeseung offers him the most wicked of smiles.

"- Yah!" Jay scolds.

"- See, that is what I am talking about." Heeseung sighs, taking a fancy sip of his iced tea, as though it is the finest of wines. "- However, he probably will not be yelling at you."

"- Indeed." Jungwon smiles.

Jay rolls his eyes. He dislikes how they are both so right.

"- But," Heeseung continues and puts down his drink on the table, glass clinking with glass. "- I count on you to take good care of him."

"- Sure." Jungwon nods straightway. Jay winks subtly at the boy, and Jungwon blushes as subtly.

"- And!" Heeseung goes on with a loud clap of his hands. "- If you ever break his heart, I will twist your neck." He smiles.

"- Ah." Jungwon utters.

This is it. Jungwon is not meeting any of his other friends anymore. 

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