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"- You know, I always thought that human hybrids would go stark naked when they transform back from animals to human beings. You weren't though, how come." Jay says out of the blue.

"- Jay, what the heck!" Jungwon exclaims. He snaps his head to his left, and Jay's cheeky but boyish smile is the first thing he sees.

His blush intensifies, and he moves slightly away from Jay's embrace.

"- What?" Jay asks. His hand starts moving up and down, and rubs Jungwon's arm gently.

"- I..." Jungwon wants to tell him to keep his mouth shut and never mention that again. After all, Jungwon had also overthought the matter. "- How is that any important?"

"- It is important." Jay hums. "- You went back to your human form in my bedroom, right?"

Jungwon stays skeptical and eyes him suspiciously. He does not fancy the conversation, or even the path it is taking. He knows he will only end up embarrassing himself again, in front of Jay.

"- Yeah. I woke up and I was suddenly human again." He answers honestly.

Jay was not there when it had happened, Jungwon reminds himself. He had also already imagined all the what ifs of Jay waking up late that day and just finding himself entangled with a strange body.

... That would have been cumbersome.

"- In my bed, then."

Jungwon's cheeks grow hot again.

"- Please, shut it." He pleads.

"- Oh, why~" Jay sing-songs.

The tone of his voice is the usual flirty and bold one, the one that rarely comes out, but that Jay likes to use whenever he wants to seduce him, or so Jungwon has come to note.

Jungwon rolls his eyes and turns to the T.V again. The characters are arguing, but Jungwon hears the sound and does not catch the words or their meaning. Especially not when he feels an abrupt, warm puff of air neigh his ear. His body tenses up, but he holds it still so that it does not flinch.

A whisper, gentle as autumn's wind, but hot as summer's sand, and sultry, velvety as Turkish textiles.

"- See, I really wouldn't have minded coming back home to a naked pretty boy lyin' in my bed, especially as pretty as you, Jungwon-ah."

Jungwon chokes.

He detaches himself from Jay's arms and stands up from the bed. The move is impulsive, an abnormal reaction to Jay's suggestive comment.

"- Hey, where are you going?" He asks. He sounds both confused and worried. With knitted brows, he looks at Jungwon, and the arm that was previously holding the youngest falls on Jungwon's seat.

"- ... I'm... I wanna go pee." He says.

Jay grabs the remote and pauses the movie.

"- Suddenly?"

"- Yeah." Jungwon nods. "- That's how it works."

"- Okay, I'll go grab some snacks then." Jay announces happily. He tosses the remote on the pillows and gets out of the bed as well.

Jungwon's lie had seemingly led them to an impromptu break. Did Jay really buy it? Or did he just read Jungwon's shy demeanor as discomfort and wanted to ease the atmosphere by pretending to believe Jungwon's lie? Could it be that complicated?

"- Do you want anything?" Jay asks when they both step out of the bedroom.

That is when a strange, inner voice, meows inside his head.

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