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Jungwon wakes up with a long and very much unhinged yawn. He allows himself to do so only because no one would judge him; after all, he is a pet. Lately, he has been doing so, yawning so shamelessly because he was a cat and cats did yawn and stretch without a care, and on the other side, because he physically cannot cover his mouth with his paws. He stretches out his limbs languidly, and his elbows hit what must be the back of the couch.

Wait, what?

Jungwon opens an eye, than the other. He sees the human boy he has a hard time referring to as Jay because he was already too used to calling him Bueno. However, today is different. Jungwon's point of view of the boy's sleeping face feels... Normal.

Jungwon looks around, and almost lets out a loud scream. He slaps his hand on his mouth and squeezes his eyes shut.

He is human again.

He remembers falling asleep on Jay's lap yesterday, Jay's voice, as well as the sound of gunshots and the like hushing him to a deep, dreamless slumber.

Right now, he was still on Jay's lap, straddling him like he would never dare in his human form.

Jungwon takes a deep, quiet breath. He has to get off the human boy without a sound, without too much commotion, unless he would wake him up. Surely, he can leave the apartment without Jay noticing it; he has come to learn through his stay this week that Jay is a heavy sleeper. The only problem was that Jungwon has no idea where the keys of the apartment are.

His idea of getting out of this place without waking up Jay flops as Jungwon realizes that doing so meant not notifying Jay, and the boy will wake up to his kitten missing. The thought makes Jungwon feel awful; that would be inhuman, especially since Jay truly loves and cares about Jungwon in his kitten form. He looked euphoric when he realized that there was a kitten which does not trigger his allergy at all.

"- What the-"

Oh, maybe, Jungwon wasted too much time overthinking the issue. The confrontation was inevitable.

Jungwon looks at Jay, and Jay blinks the sleep away.

He screams, pushes Jungwon away, and jumps behind the couch.

To... Hide? Oh, well, his reaction was not AS BAD as Jungwon had imagined.


Jungwon takes his sweet time getting up from the floor; he notices how he was inches from hitting the back of his head against the edge of the glass table and winces.

"- I'm calling the cops."

"- Wait!"

Jungwon watches, perplexed, as Jay clambers over the couch to fetch his phone, which lies on the blanket draped over the cushions of the couch. He hides again behind the couch.

Jungwon groans and rounds the couch. He does not know why Jay is acting as though Jungwon is unable to reach the place where he is hiding. It must be the panic. When he sees him, Jay acts surprised, yelps theatrically, and jumps over the couch again.

"- Stay away!" He commands with one hand stretched in front of him, as though his hand alone would prevent Jungwon from coming nearer. The boy stands on the couch with his other hand, the one tightly holding the phone extended in the opposite direction, as far as possible from Jungwon.

"- Put down the phone." Jungwon says slowly, pointing his index downwards. "- Don't call the police."

"- You're committing burglary!" Jay accuses, now no more holding up his palm but pointing him with his forefinger.

Bueno (or Meow)Where stories live. Discover now