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No peace in weekend. Work bursts his door at 3pm in the form of one pair Jay has been dragging with him since middle school; Sim Jake and Park Sunghoon.

"- Where's this cat you told us about?" With no greeting, Sunghoon interrogates him like a police officer.

"- Why the f-" Jay pauses, covers the kitten's ears, then resumes. "- Why the fuck are you two here?"

Sunghoon raises one eyebrow.

"- Are you kicking us out?" He asks.

"- Yes, very much." Jay responds flatly.

Jake is done removing both his shoes and his jacket, throwing the latter on one the hangers by the entrance, before trotting to where Jay is sitting on the couch.

"- Hi." He greets Jay with a sweet smile and a little wave. "- Cute." He giggles when he sees the kitten sleeping on Jay's lap. "- Can I pet it?"

"- Gently." Jay instructs.

"- Sure." Jake smiles. He starts petting the kitten's back with his knuckles, stroking slowly and delicately. "- It's purring." He chants.

"- Of course, it's purring, it's a cat, Jaeyun." Sunghoon says matter-of-factly.

He stands by the door and does not do much.

"- Are you done role playing a useless plant?" Jay asks him.

Sunghoon scowls. He looks so ugly when he does that.

"- This is so odd." Sunghoon huffs. Jay has known him for long enough to say that when Sunghoon huffs like that, it can only mean that he is getting jealous. He has Gaeul, so why is he being so bitter about Jay finally finding happiness. How silly, of course, Park Sunghoon would act like the green gremlin if he sees Jay being so joyous.

Jay pays him little to no attention, as the latter is wholly absorbed by the overwhelmingly cute fluffy ball peeking curiously at him. Jay leans his head down, and the cat stretches his neck up; their noses meet mid-way, and Jay nuzzles the kitty eagerly. The cat sniffs back and licks his nose in response.

"- Jay." Sunghoon calls out.

Jay sighs, rolls his eyes and lifts his head up to glare at his friend. Sunghoon had his arms crossed stiffly over his chest now, and his scolding tone, along with the squinting eyes and unyielding body spoke volumes; he is getting impatient, and for some dramatic reason, nervous.

"- What?" Jay snaps. He cannot help it. He usually is not easy to feed up, yet Sunghoon is getting annoying; he is ruining one of the best moments of his life.

"- You're not sneezing, coughing, your skin is neither red nor irritated." He lists the obvious. "- You're literally allergic to cats, but this one has no effect on you... Except making you all giddy and disgustingly whipped."

"- Get out." Jay grunts, casting his attention back on the cute pet. His eyes were so mesmerizing and beauteous.

"- Don't you think this is a little suspicious?"

Jay sighs.

"- It is, yes. What do you want me to do about it, Sunghoon?" He questions, eyes on the younger again. He raises both eyebrows when Sunghoon does not answer anything for a while.

"- You can't just keep it with you."

"- Why not? What now? Do you think he's a spy?" He laughs dryly. "- I found him in the middle of the route, shivering like a leaf, all dirty and miserable and hungry as hell." Jay lies. Maybe, if the story is more dramatic, Sunghoon will take pity and stop pestering him. "- I can't just kick him out now."

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