An Unexpected Surprise

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Now I finally get some sleep. But this night was way different. I was asleep and Wolfee was on my bean bag asleep as well. I was woken up by loud noises. I moved my hand under the pillow. I grabbed my dagger and peeked. '

I flinched as it was a whole ASS DROID!!! I was nervous. Z1 must have been shut off by them. I could see that Wolfee was awake and had his hands up. He was seriously not happy. I shifted around and threw the dagger at the bot.

It hit the bot's head and powered down. I sat up and looked at the dead Droid. Wolfee was wide eyed. I got up and pulled it out of the bot's head. I sighed as I looked at him. I quietly got behind the door and waited.

Another bot opened the door and stuck it head in. They spotted Wolfee. It's body came halfway in. I then rammed my body into the door. I heard the crunch and sparks of the bot. I then stabbed it in the head.

The thing offlined. I allowed it to collapse. I threw it in my room. I then closed my door. I walked to my bathroom door and went into it. I was in the darkness but I watched as another one came into view from my parent's bedroom.

I chucked my dagger which made it hit its head. I ran and jumped onto it punching the dagger more in. The bot sharted to shoot which caught the other 2's attention. I deactivated this one. I ran out into the living room.

I was still near the hall. I had the dagger in my hands. I was breathing heavily as I was really scared. It came out and down the hall. I quickly looked away as it must have spotted me. I then attacked but he caught my hand.

It made me drop my dagger but I caught it in my other hand and brought it straight up. It went through its head. It deactivated the bot. These were assassin droids. I growled in annoyance.

Droid: C356? Did you take care of the intruder?

Zethrin(fixes voice): ROGER ROGER.

I lifted up the blaster it had and carefully came over to the bedroom door.

Droid: Good now come back and Finish these clones.

I came into view of Rex and Cody who were wide eyed. They were shocked to see me with the blaster and my dagger. I had a bit of oil on me.

Zethrin(hums): ROGER ROGER.

This made them flinch. I brought up my dagger and chucked it at the droid which he dodged. I came out as it turned to look/face at me.

Zethrin(angrily): ROGER.. ROGER...

I shot and it hit the head. That deactivated the bot. I sighed as this SHIT actually FUCKEN happened. I started to cough and spit up a FUCKING SPIDER BOT THING!!!

Zethrin(sighs): Now I know how my voice changed. Never do that again!! Z1.

Z came out. He was nervous as he played with his fingers while looking down. He looked up at me just a bit and nodded. I yawned and looked at myself.

Zethrin(hums): I seriously was not expecting this. I guess my dogs are dead now. –Sighs– alright. Will you all help me remove these things from the house?

They were so flabbergasted by what happened. Wolfee was the first to shake his head. He got up and grabbed the 2 bots in my room. He came out which made them look at him. I stumbled a bit as my adrenaline was wiped out of me.

Rex got out and ran to me. He grabbed my arm to help me to the bed. Cody could see the Exhaustion on my face. I was shaking a bit as that was HELLA FUCKING SCARY!!! I started to have an anxiety attack which scared Z1 who quickly ran to me.

He jumped onto the bed and made me lay down. He then laid on top of me. I had my eyes shut still scared of him. I was stiff as hell as tears went down my face. I was trying to hold it in but it was seeping through the façade that I always had up for years.

I then shakily placed my hand on top of him. I didn't feel metal but fluff. I snapped my eyes open and looked down. It seems Z1 has a transformation.

He looked like a Bernese mountain dog.

(you can see what he looks like up above)

I hugged him tightly and buried my head into him. I started to shake and cry. This worried the Clones as I had seemed to be very calm but now not so much. I started to cry in pain. Emotionally for the loss of my dogs and the pain in my wrist.

Cody saw the bruise that started to form on my wrist. He took my wrist which made me groan and hiss in pain. Z1 then opened up his back which made small extension claws come out and bandage my wrist.

I fell asleep a bit later. Rex, Cody, and Wolfee nodded and went out of the bedroom. They started to take care of the Droids and my dead dogs. They buried them in the back yard with 2 headstones that they made.

They came back in and cleaned the blood and oil up. Cody came back in and frowned at my death grip on Z1. He and the other 2 stayed with me. Cody combed my hair with his fingers which made me physically relax. 

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