Experiment and Curiosity

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Obi wan(amazed): I have never seen anything like this!?

Zethrin(smiles): um? Master?

Calling him that was pretty weird but that is what they are.

Obiwan(turns it off as Anakin stopped): yes?

Zethrin(hums): I want to do an experiment if that's alright? Well 2 actually.

Obiwan(hums as he hands my saber back): sure.

Zethrin(smiles): great! Now let's go to a room and shut off the lights!

He nodded. Rex sighed as he stood up straight. Rex decided to go to his room and sleep. Obi wan took us to a seclusive empty room. I walked in as the lights stayed off. I was actually excited to test this out.

The others followed in as well.

Zethrin(smiles): Are you all ready!?

They hummed as they were actually excited. Ahsoka and Anakin were showing it but Obi Wan was intrigued. But the force around him feels excitement. I then turned on my lightsaber. It still didn't make any noise but they were able to see it now.

The blade itself was black and the light surrounding the blade was a ghostly white color. I smiled widely as I swung it around. They could see my clothing for a second then blackness. You can see the saber but not that well.

My clothing's darkness was like I was invisible.

Obi wan(hums): Now that is very intriguing to see!

Anakin(smirks): Your right master! They are like an actual ghost! Hey Zethrin was it? Would you like to have a battle!?

Zethrin(hums and looks at him): sure! Hey obi wan!? You can turn on the lights now.

Anakin(stops him): nah. I want to fight you in the dark!

Zethrin(shrugs): alright!

I shut off my saber as I listened to Anakin's footsteps. He then turned on his lightsaber. He was now a glowing nightlight.

Obi wan(sighs): may the battle begin!

I walked around him as he was looking around as well. I could see him well. My eyes were a bit special. They can see in the dark but not fully. I then swung my saber which he swung and narrowly blocked it.

That scared him really good. I shut off my saber and slithered back into the darkness. This happened a couple more times. He was doing pretty good even though there were a bit of burnt areas somewhere on his clothing.

But now I'm going to make it harder. I made my presence disappear completely now. Anakin flinched when that happened. He now has to use his other senses. He got cut by my saber but these cuts burned but they were pretty minor and weren't going to be serious.

The others were amazed by what was happening. I stroked him but he dodged it. We clashed and kept going until he knocked my saber out. He smiled happily as I Then activated my other one. This shocked him real good.

I was seriously amused by this. I disappeared in front of him as he swung down on me. He was surprised by that. I then focused on my saber to appear. Anakin could now sense where I was which I allowed.

He Turned around to face me. Suddenly a dark and scary lightsaber activation echoed through the whole room. He saw my lightsaber but it was now the dark star saber. The deep sound that came off of it was scary to hear.

He could see my body light up. The Saber was bright now as he could see me. He was paralyzed with fear. I mean general fear of the DEATH STAR SABER. That is what the saber is actually called. It has the same look and model as the Dark star saber.

But this one is known as the Death Star saber as the activation sounds like Death. I believe when it clashes with someone's saber or when it is swung it sounds like the enemy's screams. I came up to him and placed the blade at his neck.

He was still very much frozen as Obi wan was now able to turn on the lights. Ahsoka's eyes went wide as she gasped shakily. Obi wan was shocked as well. My lightsaber was long and thin like a sword.

It really looked like the Dark Star Saber but it is also not. This made everyone go quiet when they heard the deep hum of my saber. Anakin was not breathing which worried me. I deactivated it which billed deeply.

He dropped his saber as he breathed heavily. He was paralyzed now by my saber which was making me very uncomfortable and worried.

Zethrin(nervous): sorry!!! I was not expecting that! That even gave me the chills. Are you alright!?

Anakin(places hand on my shoulder): MAKER! That was scary. Whew! I now don't want to go up against you again!

Everyone breathed out in relief as the death feeling/noise was gone. I sighed in relief as well. 

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