The Chase

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Zethrin(growls as puts hood over head): Now let's go see Rex!? Oh and what is wrong with him!

This perked Levi up and He was the first one out which made me, Bee, and Cody run out after him. Levi and Rex are like Master and servant. He will listen to The commanders but Levi wil listen to Rex more.

Bee will fully listen to them. Levi likes Wolfee as he Acts like the Alpha which they like. Rex Is nice and gives them love. Cody naps with them. I contacted Obiwan telling him that we will be going to the Doc which he agreed to meet us there.

I huffed as Levi boosted himself faster. We passed some clones who were surprised as hell to see us ZOOMING PAST THEM. I had to bring my wings in while the claws hung on my shoulders. I put more strength into my legs.

I had my arms a bit up behind me as I caught up to Levi. I tried to grab him but he dodged me. I huffed. Bee stayed with COdy which he was grateful for. I took a deep breath with my eyes still closed.

I allowed my mind to go black. I then opened my eyes. Everything went into slow motion. Levi was still going but way slower than before. This was just a gamble of being able to do that. I know we were close to the doc.

I then launched myself at him (weeeee!! Sorry I'll stop) and grabbed him which unfroze everything. We went flying out of the door. I spread out my wings and beat them once and we were in the air.

Levi huffed in my arms as I smirked. I spooked some clones which was amusing. They were very amazed by my wing span. I Turned the oversized dog around. I was holding him in the air as I looked at him with a smile.

He then licked my face which made me chuckle. They love me more than them no matter what as they were made for me only. Cody then finally came out. He was tired from that run. I then heard Bee bark which made me look down behind me.

Cody was catching his breath. I felt bad for him as I flew back down to them. I needed to make the serum fast so one, they can stop aging so fast and 2, they will also get stronger and younger than before.

Cody finally relaxed as I put Levi down. 

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