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With the bow aimed down directly at the girl, Tighnari cautioned her to back away from the tree once more from atop the branch. His ears twitched the slightest bit when he heard twigs snap and leaves crunch at a sudden arrival from behind the surrounding bramble, but chose to deal with it after he got rid of whoever was pestering him.

"I just wanna talk, I can help you I swear!" In Theresa's hand was a sheet of paper she was waving around. "Come down from there, you might hurt yourself."

It should have been herself she was worried about, because Tighnari let off a warning shot that struck the Earth right next to her feet, making her squeal and grasp her dark, gauzy dress in fear, stepping away from the arrow.

Judging from the abundance of crystals, cards, and other eerie objects that littered the forest floor and decorated her being, it was obvious that Theresa was busy performing some sort of incantations.

"I won't miss the second time. And I won't ask again."

Even from behind the bramble, (Y/N) peered through and had a view of both sides. On one hand she wanted to emerge and deescalate the situation, but on the other she didn't want to risk Theresa finding out about her involvement with Tighnari, especially with her vast social media presence. One word, one post, and she'd be jailed before she could say 'Instagram'.

There wasn't enough time to decide on what to do, because Tighnari shot another arrow that zipped through the leaves and branches and nicked her ear.

Both girls yelped, Theresa thinking she got shot and crouched with her arms over her head, and (Y/N) struggled out of the snagging bramble and rolled into the clearing, pinching her bleeding ear and holding out her other hand.

"Tighnari- wait! It's me, don't shoot!"

Theresa struggled to get the words out of her mouth, her eyes stuck on the tense arrow ready to be sent through her skull, recognizing (Y/N) from the corner of her eyes.

"Don't shoot her either! I know her, can you come down now?"

As (Y/N) helped Theresa to her wobbly feet, she heard Tighnari land on the forest floor directly behind her.

"I never had any intention of harming her, I simply wanted to scare her away that's all." He kept his eyes on her and crossed his arms, making sure to stay behind (Y/N).

"Well, you hurt me real bad." Her ear stung when she touched it again, tiny red smears decorating her fingertips.

The peach fuzz on her ear tingled when his fingers floated around the area, his expression worked up. "I apologize, I thought you were an officer that followed my trail."

She shrugged it off, making awkward eye contact with Theresa, who watched their interaction with glazed eyes. "Well- this is Theresa an, uh, acquaintance of mine."

"Right..." He looked down at the cowering girl. "So, are you going to turn me in? Tell everyone where I am? I'd highly advise you not to do anything that might put me behind bars."

When Tighnari's ears flattened with his tone, Theresa gulped and nodded, remaining frozen for a moment until she remembered the paper in her hand, then held it out. "This! I saw you climb the tree and this fell out."

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow, staring at the drawing. "What is it?"

Tighnari's eyes shifted from the paper to Theresa. "It's my sketch of the symbol I've seen back in my home world... Hang on, do you know something about it?"

Theresa nodded enthusiastically, then looked behind her with pursed lips. "I'll tell you somewhere that's more... private. Oh- I'll take you to my campus, we can chat there."

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