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"You really didn't have to put it that way," Tighnari exhaled, putting a hand on his chest, "you made it sound so serious."

(Y/N) shrugged. "But it is serious. Technically, you're homeless."

According to her mother, a distant relative had moved herself into their basement temporarily. Turns out that she was quite frightened from the government warnings regarding the supposed 'alien' that went loose, so she decided to take refuge in her family's home.

"I've done many patrols in the forest that have required me to camp outside. I'll be fine. Besides, we know the location of the sigils now, we can make quick work of it and I'll be right on my way back home and out of your hair."

Before (Y/N) could even protest to the idea Theresa stepped in, shaking her head violently. "No way! What if you get caught? What if someone finds you? I bet you that the government is using the satellites to track you down, you won't survive!"

(Y/N) nodded and opened her mouth to support Theresa's argument, but the blonde continued and interrupted her friends thoughts, "and if you get caught, you won't be able to complete the ritual, and if you won't complete the ritual, then I'll miss my chance to see a ritual occur in real time! Then I won't be a good witch! I'll miss my one chance to actually see one take place, and I won't let that happen. Not as long as I'm alive." Her speech was met with silence, (Y/N) blew air from her mouth and scratched the back of her head.

Tighnari nodded slowly, glancing at (Y/N) temporarily. "Right... thank you for dedication, I guess?"

Theresa lifted her chin and hummed. "No need to thank me. In order to protect my subject, I'll gladly offer you a place to stay." She pulled out a black card from her purse and smirked. "I'll give you a better place to stay than (Y/N) ever could. Let's go."

"It's not a competition..." (Y/N) raised her eyebrows, connecting the dots. "H-hold on Theresa, isn't that a bit risky? Even a bank has less security cameras than a hotel, I don't think it's going to work."

"I hate to burst your brain storming bubble, but (Y/N) is right," Tighnari added, quickly pulling on his disguise as he followed the two girls from beneath the bridge and onto the sidewalk.

Theresa turned on her heel towards the two of them, her sharp eyes peering at them from above her sunglasses. "Do you both trust me?"

"Absolutely not."

"You haven't given me a reason not to trust you but... I'd rather play it safe for the time being. What exactly are you planning?"

With his response Theresa clapped her hands together with a white smile, flashing (Y/N) a death stare before returning to an energetic state. "Thank you for at least giving me a chance, my beloved subject." The so called subject shrugged her hand off his shoulder.

"I have the world in the palm of my hand." She demonstrated by placing her phone in her palm and stretching it out. "What if I told you I can make every person in this world," she held the phone beside Tighnari's face, the black screen reflecting her own face, "look just like the person they're trying to run and hide from?"

"I'd like to see you try."

His unconvinced gaze made Theresa slump with a groan. "Let's just book you into a hotel. I'm going to cry if I stay out here any longer."

Booking a room for Tighnari for a few days went smoother than they expected. (Y/N)'s wallet suddenly felt like a massive rock in her pocket when the receptionist asked for payment. Before she could shed tears and hand over all her money, Theresa kindly took care of the bill.

"You booked a suite?!" (Y/N) nearly dropped her bag when she stepped inside the grand room.

"It's not just a suite, it's an executive suite. It's the least that I could do for my subject. Make yourself comfortable."

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