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"Theresa, pass the lecture 2 notes."

"Here. Gimme the assignment we did last week."

"Where did I put my pencil? I keep losing it."

"I'm gonna fail this class."

Sitting on the couch across from the two women, Tighnari looked up from his book. "Do I need to help you both review again?"

"No!" The two said simultaneously.

A sense of regretful exhaustion weighed heavily in (Y/N)'s chest. When the two biology students had asked Tighnari for help regarding a certain concept, as well as time to help them study for their upcoming midterms, he gladly took the offer and explained in great, great detail the concepts that they asked for. Then, after a 3 hour lecture, he brought a paper and sketched out diagrams and drawings, explaining the most minuscule details, making sure to not miss a thing.

When he caught sight of their heavy eyelids and sulking heads, he snapped his fingers with a, "hey! You asked for this, no slacking off."

After begging for a break, he finally let them go. And now here they were, studying by themselves, sharing previous class work material between mutters of hopes and prayers.

Tighnari, bored with reading the same magazine twice, sat by the windowsill watching traffic go. The swishing of his tail suddenly stopped, and his ears pricked up. Narrowing his eyes, he ducked and peered out from the window. "Psst, hey! Come take a look at this."

(Y/N) was the first to get up, shaking a leg to get rid of a paper stuck to her foot. She crouched down as well, holding the curtain around her face. "What is it?"

"I'm no expert when it comes to mechanics in your world, but dark vehicles lined up right outside the window tells me that something isn't right..."

Just as (Y/N) was about to formulate an escape plan, Theresa shrieked and giddily checked her phone, then out the window again. "It's already 4? A little early, but it's fine," she muttered to herself, ignoring her two companions as she touched herself up in the mirror. "I'll see you guys later, I have something important right now."

"Aaaand she's gone. That was fast." (Y/N) peered out the window again, noticing how some of the individuals pouring out of the vehicles were not dressed in SWAT gear, but rather in regular work uniforms for some company. "Looks like you live to see another day... what are you doing?"

The marked map lay in front Tighnari, his eyes tracing the lines between the points, then back out the window. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but if I marked this out right then the second sigil should be right over... there." She followed his finger that pointed out to a direction out the window.

Tucking her (h/c) hair behind her ears, she checked his calculations and hummed in approval. "You're right on the money for that. Good thing you checked!" Beyond the window there was Theresa pointing and speaking to one worker after the other.

"I'm finished with studying for now," she stated, glancing back to the bed littered with papers and notebooks. "Wanna head out now? If we hurry up, we can get back here in time for that free dinner for guests."

"Oh- (Y/N), you don't have to come. This map will suffice for me to figure it out on my own. Don't you have better things to spend your time on?"

"Oh yeah? Like what?"  By now she was putting a sweater on. "I don't really have a life, and who wouldn't want to journey in the city with a creature from another world in an attempt to save their soul? Not me, that's for sure. I'm coming with you."

"I appreciate the company, you have my thanks." With the map rolled up beneath his arm, he followed her out the door and out the hotel.

Glancing down at the map, then up at the streets through his sunglasses, the outlander navigated his way through the streets with relative ease, his companion following behind.

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