Ch 9

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(Jacob's Pov)

The next morning I slowly wake up a little confused as to what woke me up. I blink about to go back to sleep when I suddenly hear a loud buzzing noise. Opening my eyes again I realize it's my phone going off I blinking and go to get up when I feel a weight on my chest. Looking down my expression softens when I see Kai fast asleep snuggled up on my chest. Not wanting to wake him up I carefully reach for my phone on the nightstand making a soft noise of accomplishment when I grab it I immediately answering it with a whisper. "Hello?" There's shuffling on the other end before I hear Sangyeon hyungs voice. "Jacob why aren't you at practice?" I frown slightly going to say something when Kai shifts a little I tensing and whisper softly. "Sorry hyung I couldn't make it back to the dorms last night because of the storm." It's quiet for a minute before he ask's confused. "Where exactly are you?" Kai starts moving and I frown not wanting to wake him up so I gently lift him up and get out of bed laying him back down he immediately letting out a whine and frowns I handing him a pillow and breathe a sigh of relief when he calms down and cuddles it. I then leave the room and say softly. "Sorry hyung I'm over at Kai's. I came over for dinner and it started storming really bad so I stayed the night." It's quiet on the other end for a minute before he says teasingly. "Oh I see. Sleeping with the new choreographer." I blush and immediately say a little defensively. "We just slept and plus he has kids here. I am planning on asking him out though." He hums before saying simply. "Well invite him and the kids to the amusement park with us tomorrow. But for now continue to play house and have fun." I blush even more and go to say something but he hangs up. I sigh running a hand through my hair and look back towards Kai's bedroom. Suddenly hearing a door open I turn my head and see a sleepy Kaden walking out of his room. "Hey buddy good morning." He looks at me in surprise before smiling happily. "You stayed!" I blink a little and smile. "Of course I did why wouldn't I?" He suddenly frowns looking sad. "The last time someone stayed the night he didn't ever come back and daddy was really sad." I frown a little before kneeling down to look at him. "I promise I won't do that. In fact how would you and your sister like to go to an amusement park tomorrow along with your dad?" He immediately perks up and says happily. "Wow we've never been to an amusement park before." I blink a little in surprise before smiling and ruffle his hair. "Well we'll make sure to have lots of fun." He grins then I hear his stomach rumble and I smile softly. "Let's go find you something to eat little man." He smiles and rushes to the kitchen. "I want cereal!" I chuckle softly he pointing out the cereal cabinet and I grab the one he wants before grabbing us some bowls and milk before making us two bowls I handing one over to Kaden and sit down to eat my own. As we're eating Kaden hums before saying cheerfully. "You know you're kinda like our appa now." I blink at him in surprise he continuing on. "You're helping take care of us and you help take care of daddy too. And you make him happy. He hasn't smiled in a REALLY long time but you make him smile a lot." I blush a little before saying softly. "Well I don't think your daddy would like it very much if you called me appa. I don't mind but he might." Kaden's shoulders slump in disappointment and I immediately feel bad. Suddenly Kai enters the kitchen a sleepy Reese following him he giving me and Kaden a little smile as he puts some oatmeal in the microwave. "Good morning guys." I smile wishing him a good morning Kaden staying silent. Kai immediately looks over at him worriedly and I sigh mouthing to Kai that I'll tell him later. He nods and gets the oatmeal out of the microwave before handing it to Reese. The kids finish eating and Kai says softly. "Alright you two go on and play." They both get up and run off before Kai turns to me worriedly. "What's up with Kaden?" I sigh and run a hand through my hair. "He told me about who I'm guessing is your ex and how one day he stayed the night and you didn't see him again." He immediately freezes and looks a little upset. "Yeah um it was the first time we uh actually slept together and the next morning he was completely gone. Never heard from him again." I frown feeling bad for him. "That's not right. I'm sorry you had to deal with that." He shrugs then says softly. "It's in the past but why was Kaden upset?" I bite my lip before deciding to be honest. "He said I'm kinda like their appa now. Because I help take care of them and have been taking care of you. And he got upset when I said you might not like that." He stares at me for a moment not saying anything and I shift a little feeling nervous until he finally speaks up. "I'm so sorry. He shouldn't have tried to force that role on you when you probably aren't comfortable taking on two kids. He won't call you that again I promise." I immediately frown. "Hey now wait a minute. I don't mind them calling me that I just wanted to talk to you about it first. I really like you Kai and I'd love to be apart of your guy's life. If you'll let me." He stares at me blinking before saying anxiously. "I don't know. I mean we aren't even dating." I can't help but smile. "Well then how about tomorrow we go out to the amusement park with the kids then that night just the two of us go out to dinner?" He blushes a little and smiles. "I'd like that." I grin happily then he suddenly frowns. "Aren't you supposed to be at practice today?" I blink and give a reassuring smile. "Sangyeon hyung called and said I can stay with you and the kids for today." He slowly nods and I check the time on my phone before getting up. "I should probably head back to the dorm though to change and shower and everything." Kai nods looking a little disappointed and my expression softens. "I'll see you tomorrow and I have your number so we can text and call each other." He perks up a little at that then walks me to the door after I grab my clothes from yesterday. Once we reach the front door I turn to look at Kai with a smile and lean forward kissing his cheek his face immediately turning red. "I'll see you guys tomorrow we'll leave around eight." He splutters out a shy "okay" and I grin leaving the apartment and head back to the dorms.

Timeless (a Jacob Bae x male reader story) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt