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Getting everything ready for Reese's birthday party I stressfully pace the kitchen making sure everything is ready only for my phone to buzz. I quickly pick it up only to immediately frown when another one of the kids we invited parents cancel. Grumbling and letting out a stressful sigh I look up when I hear footsteps only to see Juyeon carrying the pink princess cake he made Reese. "Hey Kai where do I put this?" I point over to an empty spot on the counter. "Right over there. Thanks Juyeon she's going to love it." He gently puts the cake down then looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "You alright?" I shake my head no tears of frustration starting to form. "All day kids parents have been cancelling for the party and now there aren't any kids coming at all. How am I supposed to tell Reese that no one wanted to show up to her party?" He frowns a little. "Did they give a reason why they cancelled?" I immediately make a face. "Yeah because they aren't comfortable having their kids around a gay couple." His expression turns to one of disbelief and even he looks a little upset. "That's stupid." I nod in agreement tears starting to stream down my face and Juyeon's expression softens. "Hey it won't be too bad hyung. She has all of the members here for her and her brother." I give him a slight look. "Yeah but she was so excited to have her classmates come I don't want to see her disappointed." He sighs and gently pulls me into a hug. "It'll be okay hyung. I know it isn't fair but you've been working hard to make this party perfect and I think she'll be appreciative of it." I sniffle a little before slowly pulling away wiping my eyes. "Thanks Juyeon. Hopefully she won't be upset." He gives a little nod and a reassuring smile before he goes to head back to the others. I sigh looking over everything one more time before I head out into the living room. I see Reese in the floor drawing with Kevin with a birthday crown on her head and Kaden is with Eric and Sunwoo they both giving him rapping tips. I give a little smile until Reese spots me and quickly gets up running over looking excited. "Daddy! Daddy! When's my friends going to get here?" I immediately feel my heart break and I gently kneel down in front of her giving a sad smile. "I'm sorry sweetie but they couldn't come." She immediately frowns. "Why not?" I sigh trying to think of a way to explain this to a five year old. "Well sweetie a lot of people don't like it when kids have two mommies or two daddies. Even though the parents love the kids very much and love each other very much the people don't want to be around them." She frowns her little lip trembling. "They don't like me because I have two daddies?" I go to reassure her that isn't it when the waterworks come out. "That's not nice! You and appa are the bestest!" My expression softens and I go to pull her into a hug when she runs off to her room. I sigh and groan running a hand through my hair before I stand up. The other guys all look at me with frowns. "Were the kids really not allowed to come because you and Jacob are together?" I nod looking annoyed and upset. "Yeah Hyunjae that's exactly what the problem was." They all frown and look angry and annoyed. I then look around and notice someone missing. "Where's Jacob?" They all give each other looks before looking back at me. "He said he had to pick up some things right quick." I frown when I suddenly hear the door open I quickly turning to see Jacob carrying in a small pink bicycle. He then looks around at the frowns and tense atmosphere and a frown comes to his face as he sets the bike down. "What happened?" I sigh and explain angrily. "All the kids parents cancelled because they found out Reese has two dads. She's in her room crying because none of her friends will come." He frowns looking sad and upset. "That's not fair. I'll go talk to her and see if I can make her feel better." I nod wishing him luck and I lean back against the wall feeling stressed out and frustrated. The others and even Kaden try to make me feel better but I can't help but feel bad for Reese. After five minutes of Jacob being in Reese's room he comes out holding her in his arms a little smile on her face and I immediately feel relieved. He sets her down in the floor beside her presents and she looks at me hopefully. "Can I open them now?" I smile and nod and she cheers. She then grabs some presents and starts opening them she getting a bunch of dolls and toys from the members and Kevin even gifts her an art set. And when she sees the new pink bike she immediately gets excited and happy I feeling a little relieved that she's having at least a little bit of a good time. Soon we cut the cake and serve it we all chatting around and having fun until the guys have to leave. I wish them all goodbye while Jacob gets the kids calmed down and put to bed. Once the apartment is quiet I collapse on the couch with a little sigh I looking up when I see Jacob coming over. I smile and snuggle into his side when he sits beside me and lay my head in his shoulder he cuddling me into his side. It's quiet between us for a moment I starting to doze off when he gently picks me up and starts carrying me to bed. I cling onto him as we lay down I mumbling softly. "I'm glad you made Reese feel better today. She seemed to have at least a little bit of a good time." He smiles and nods. "I'm still in disbelief how these parents were acting." I nod in agreement then yawn and he smiles softly. "Sleep love you deserve it from how hard you worked." I smile and snuggle into him mumbling softly. "I love you." He gives a soft "I love you too" as I doze off.

Timeless (a Jacob Bae x male reader story) Where stories live. Discover now