Fly away little aku- y/n

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Y/N stared at the letter confounded.
'A wizardry school? What the heck is that'
Y/N thought to herself.
'How ludicrous, why would such a thing exist... but I should really ask my parents'
Walking down the stairs she caught her parents gambling, snorting meth and making cocaine. Well they are her adopted parents, though they never treated her as their daughter.

"Um... excuse Miss Betch. Do you know about a letter" Y/N said cautiously. She never knew what type of mood they were in so she always played it safe.

"Huh... letter..." the lady completely wasted out of her mind thought. "Yes... letter... we shipped off to boarding school. It's for the better. We still get the government's money and we don't have to pay for your expenses. It's a win-win situation" she exclaimed slightly slurring her words.

'This confirms it I'm going crazy... or not. Not really sure if the answer comes from cracked-out gambling kleptomaniac meth-head' Y/N thought to herself, hoping that this was all true. She waited for the day a school teacher would come whisk her away to this 'Magic School'.

On the day of said departure, Y/N was experiencing the type of pure bliss one feels when you have... sat waiting in front of your council apartment building for the past two hours. As you start contemplating trying to flirt with a rubbish bin, you see off in the distance a man sporting large brown coat and a beard that gave you the impression of a hermit; except he's on a motor bike. Stopping before you he gets off the motorcycle.

" Are you Y/N L/N." He inquired with a tone that told you he knew exactly who you were.

"Yeah" You replied in the most exasperated tone. You get up holding your duffle bags of personal items like those Match Attax card you stole off some kid cause he breathed an octave too high near you.

"Great get on, it's getting dark and I need to go pick someone else up for their first day at Hogwarts. The names Hagrid lass" he exclaimed as if he was in a rush. You hopped on and you too sped off into the sunset. Literally cause the motorcycle decided to be a fairy and fly.
"What the f-" Y/N said as they made their way to a lighthouse.

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