
2118 Brooklyn Way, Manhattan

People trust me with their secrets—and they're smart to do so. I may seem like your average trustworthy person—and I am your average trustworthy person. That is, to the naked eye, I am. I'm average in all your average ways; I've got an overprotective older brother, I live with my boyfriend, I've got no supernatural abilities—at least, not the supernatural part.

I'm part of Manhattan's top secret NYSA program—New York Spy Association. Not even the government knows about this, reason being it may as well be just as illegal as, say, the mafia, but our program is entirely against mafias and hitmen and all that. On the contrary, the police in Manhattan seem to not care. Given the reason, we as a program work on any cases that have been put aside by the police.

And yes, I do have abilities—I'm an FA—a field agent. My name is Bailey, but to anyone in the agency, I'm known as Rose—that's my code name. I mostly work alone, but sometimes my brother steps in when he's free and helps me. He's a field agent too, and probably one of the most important. My brother Austin—or Winchester in the SA, is swooned over by nearly all the incompetent girls in our association, but one of the main rules is no attachments—it would get in the way of any important work done here in the SA. That's why nobody here but Austin knows of my boyfriend—I'd be forced to break up with him if anyone found out about him in the agency, especially NYC himself—code name for our boss. Nobody knows his real name—if one name gets leaked, they all do, which is why the code names for everyone here are completely random.

And we were not allowed to discuss the NYSA in any public place—the only rule my brother was always on the verge of breaking.

As of now. We were at the small table in my apartment, talking about the SA itself and it's current problem.

"See, but that's our problem. You still have no idea where she is, but if I could just join you on the field—"

"You can't, Sis—this is dangerous, more dangerous than any mission you've been on before, and as your guardian it's my job to protect you," Austin argued. I sighed.

"That's the thing. I'm my own guardian now—I'm not just your little sister anymore. I can take care of myse—" Just then, our gaze settled on the front door. The doorknob was shaking and Austin jumped up in fighting position, ready to grab whoever came through the door. I stood up, too.

The door opened, and there stood my boyfriend Jake with his arms filled with groceries and a smile on his face. "Hello, Babe—woah, chill out, Austin, it's just me." Austin lowered his fists and looked over at me seriously. Jake set his bags down and came over to tuck a strand of my blonde hair behind my ear. He gave me a kiss.

Austin looked at us one more time before glancing at his phone. "I have to go—call me later, Bailey." I nodded.

"I will." Austin stepped over the grocery bags and close the door behind him after he stepped out. That left Jake to look at me.

"What were you talking about before I burst through the door?" He asked, heading back over to unload the groceries. I shrugged.

"Nothing important. What brings you home so early?" Jake grinned at me.

"I can't just spend time with my beautiful girlfriend?" I smiled too, then began to help unload the groceries.

"Why all this stuff? We have enough here,"

"I figured we could use a little more. Neither of us have time to make anything, with your new schedule and all." Right. My new schedule at Detroit's that's supposed to start Tuesday—which is actually a part time job starting Saturday. I never had trouble coming home later than usual before, but with Jake coming home earlier all of a sudden, I had no other cover up. "Speaking of which, are you excited? New job, new people!" I nodded with a smile.

There was nothing to be excited about, really. I only knew one person at the small coffee shop I worked at now, and that was Raine—Karma. Also in the SA, but she wasn't a field agent, she worked in the computing field. She was a CA, a computing agent. Her job was to keep in any kind of contact with a field agent, whether it's through the earpiece, a tracking device, or morse code, but CAs have to be very tech-smart to start in the field—Karma was definitely the best, in my opinion. Raine, though...she was just your average intelligent barista.

"Hey, what's up?" asked Jake. I noticed we both had finished putting groceries away. 

The fact that my own boyfriend almost walked in on me and my secret agent brother talking about NYSA stuff, and the fact that I can't tell him anything. That's what's up.

"Nothing, just tired," I ended up saying. I shrugged. "Probably just fazed at the schedule of my new job." Jake came over and kissed my head.

"You should probably get some sleep, then," he said. I looked at him. "I'll just be out here, okay?" I nodded and smiled, pecking his cheek before turning around and going to the bedroom. Now, I was annoyed. I had to pretend to sleep at 6:00. Great.

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