
Mafia Base of Connecticut

Thorn had many 'great shortcut' ideas, but only half of them worked. I was basically feeding him the knowledge of my own 'kidnapping', even though I was doing it for a purpose. I had also been shoved in numerous closets and empty rooms, to the point where I could memorize every hallway and every number of closets in the whole base. I awaited the next time I'd be trapped in a cupboard or something.

"This is the last shortcut before we get to the boss's office. There are people in here, though, so stay quiet," He explained. I nodded. My heart raced. In other words, this was the last room before I got to my brother.

"You're not going to kiss me again, are you?"

"Do you want me to?" He asked with a grin. "Say the words and I will, Darling." I rolled my eyes. He pushed open the doors before looking back at me and beckoning me inside. I looked left and right inside, expecting to see Winchester, but he wasn't there. There were a few people, but nobody gave us any attention. I don't think anyone even realized we'd walked in. The room looked like a break room; there were two tables and each end. If it weren't enemy territory, and if I weren't about to be 'held hostage' right now, it would almost look like a workplace staff room.

Thorn walked over to a shelf, hidden in a small nook, and pulled up on a silver computer trophy. The shelf swung open. "A secret door," I said aloud, quietly so nobody but Thorn could hear me. He smiled.

"Precisely." And he caught me off guard be throwing me inside and closing the door behind me. He couldn't have just trapped me, no; I could easily escape. He's too gullible for that. I stood up and brushed myself off. It looked just like the inside of a vent, but I could stand up and walk around a bit more. It was like a narrow hallway. At the other end was probably another door.

The door opened and closed again, and there was Thorn. "Ready to go?" He asked sarcastically. I shrugged, but realized something odd. The shelf was on the side wall, but if Thorn said we had one more room to cross through, he surely meant the other side—so why were we going towards the exit?

"Wait," I said, thinking aloud. I decided to ask, "Why are we going to the exit?"

"I have no idea what you mean," he shrugged. I narrowed my eyes. This wasn't going according to plan like I had hoped it would.

"Why aren't you turning me in?" I caught up to him, grabbing his wrist so he would stop walking farther away. He looked at me while I folded my arms.

"Why do you want to be turned in?" I opened my mouth to talk but he interrupted me. "Exactly. This seems too easy." I glanced away. I could always sprint for it and find Winchester that way, but it would be much harder. "You're really good at what you do, Rose—I've seen you fight." He stepped toward me, my heart started to beat faster. Was this a trap? He was close now, tilting my chin up to see his face. "I can't just turn you in like this." His eyes—they made my stomach do somersaults. And his smirk gave me butterflies inside. I gazed at his eyes for a few moments before we both finally, finally leaned in.

I thought to myself, I shouldn't be doing this, he's the enemy, and we'd only just met, but something between us clicked.

And the door burst open. "There she is!" Someone shouted. People piled into the passageway. I looked at them in shock. I looked at Thorn, but he was looking at them, too, in a daze. It was a trap. "Grab her!"

I turned back to the group and panicked. The door on the other end was probably still unlocked—and if it was locked, some pressure could open it easily. I spun around and sprinted to the door. I reached up to what was sitting on my head and pressed a button while I pushed the door open with my other hand and slammed it shut behind me. I looked around at everyone in the break room awkwardly. My headset beeped.

And music began to play. And a voice spoke in my ear. "You've only got a minute before they break down the door, Rose, take down these guys before they get through." I grinned.


"Quick, Rose!"

"Right!" I listened to the music in the background, then looked back at everyone in the room. No Control, One direction. "Who's first?" I asked. These people were easy to knock out—they all seemed to be CA's or whatever they were in the mafia. I only had to punch them three or four times to knock them out for a good ten minutes. My headset beeped again.

"Rose! Now!" I turned to the door just as the chorus started. It swung open. These people had to be field agents, which would be much harder to fight. I got into ready position.

"Fans of One Direction? I should introduce you to my good friend—if you ever get the chance to meet her." I dodged a fist flying at me, only to grab it and flip over a particularly short agent. I knocked him on his back. The impact knocked him out immediately. How weak.

While I was bent down, I grabbed at another's ankle, not flipping him over, but tripping him so that both him and another agent crashed into each other. There were only two more left. One of them ran at me, so I slid the low table at his feet. That caused him to trip, allowing me to break the table—using his head. I laughed—if the mafia will recruit people, at least choose the least oblivious or athletic. I turned to the last person. My eyes couldn't help but widen. I crossed my arms and let my ponytail swing behind me when I smiled.

"Look who it is. How's your head, Jake? Still hurt from that painting I threw over your head? Or does your heart hurt after I said no to your proposal?" I grinned. He looked angry—his first mistake was lunging at me. I was ready for that. I ducked, causing him to fly right over me, falling into a glass shelf. The glass collapsed all over him. When he sat up, I surprised him with a painting to the head.

And just as the song ended, I wiped imaginary dust off my hands. That was a piece of cake. But my headset beeped.

"No! Rose, behind you!"

Everything went black.

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