
NYSA Headquarters

"What is it about that new invention?" I asked Karma. She's the one who was paying attention the whole time, while I wasn't even there. Karma spun to face me in her seat.

"The voice activated hovercraft? It's for emergencies only. Its available for use in a few weeks at least, but field agents aren't allowed to use it yet. Nobody is allowed to touch it except those working on it." I thought that sounded pretty cool, actually. I nodded and sighed.

I was pretty bored. Me and Karma were waiting for my wrist band to alert me so that she could sign up and be my CA right away, but I wasn't getting sent on any missions.

We heard a sudden sound. I thought it was my wristband at first, but it wasn't. It came from the computer set. Karma immediately rolled forward on the chair and examined it. "What's going on?" I asked. She looked around at the buttons. The "Talk" button's light was off, which it was usually on.

"I don't know," she answered, panicked.

"Come in," a familiar voice said. My heart stopped and sped up. "Come in,"he said again.

I rushed to the computer set and pressed talk. "Winchester? Is that you?" I was panicking. Had something happened?

"Rose," he said, catching his breath. My heart filled with relief. My whole body did. He was safe, driving in a car. Well, he was safe for all that I knew. 

"Winchester, is something wrong?" asked Karma seriously. She was already trying to look for his location, but a while ago she told me herself he had to send her the location for her to find it quicker. My brother's end crackled before going back to normal. "Winchester!"

"I'm—" He said and the sound cut off. "Em—'s back at — mansion. I—I have the location of the mafia. Going there now. Over."

The sound stopped and my eyes widened. "Winchester, where are you? What's going on?"

"Henfor—mansion. Location—mafia. Over."

"No!" I shouted into the mic. "Not over! Winchester, come in!" The talk button was off, but his end made no sound, which meant he muted the call. "Austin!"I shouted through habit. Karma yelled a warning at me and I cursed, pushing open the doors to the main FA room.

Karma was behind me. "Rose, where are you going?" She shouted, trying to keep up.

"I'm going to help my brother, of course."

"Rose—" Started Rain, but I rushed into my quarters, which automatically locked behind me. I put on my mic and grabbed my combat gloves before pressing the attached elevator that would take me down to the Exhibit Quarter. The subways were down, which meant there was only one available way to travel all the way to Connecticut on time. Without looking around, I slammed my fist onto the red button displaying the hovercraft board Karma told me about. The few technician agents yelled at me to get out, but I ignored them completely and sprinted into the subways—I could use the track to get to Winchester.

I wasn't entirely sure how it worked, but the benches that I'd held against the steel doors weren't  going to stay for long. I hopped on and took a deep breath. Karma said something about—

"—Voice activation acquired," the hovercraft said when I'd said my name. Thank goodness they'd set up my voice activation before finishing touches. The doors burst open behind me and I looked back, panicked.

"Go!" I shouted, and the hovercraft zoomed through the track. It took me off guard, but I bent down to catch my balance. I smiled when I realized I could get the hang of this quickly. I raised my wristwatch to my face. "Set directions to Henford Mansion."

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