
NYSA Headquarters

 "Hit me again," Austin demanded. "Harder this time." I was getting annoyed so I punched him right in the face. He wiped his mouth and smiled. "You're getting stronger."

"I've been getting stronger, Winchester," I pointed out, "you just haven't noticed with all your girlfriends swooning around you. Oh, Winchester, be mine!" My brother scowled at my mockery and folded his arms. I snickered. Mocking Austin was fun, mocking Winchester was just too easy.

My wristband beeped and I looked down at it. My face dropped immediately. "Someone's in trouble," Winchester smirked. "What did you do this time? Break the rules? Oh, wait." I knew he was referring to Jake, which I ignored. Nobody except him knew about my boyfriend. I shook my head and pushed open the doors to the training facility, entering the hallway that lead to the elevator to NYC's office. Karma, with her hands filled with files, fell into step with me.

"The amount of time this stupid mission is taking," she complained, "no wonder the police pushed the case aside. I bet it was the actress. She got sick of her co-star and bugged his earpiece which caused it to malfunction, resulting in a death. Boom."

"You're probably right," I smiled. Karma groaned.

"But nobody's listening to me! 'You're not an FA, just go back to your video games.' Just because I'm not a field agent doesn't mean I can't solve cases, right Rose?" I opened my mouth to answer when someone stepped in front of us. Challenge, another CA. He was obsessed with Karma—which made her even more annoyed than she was now.

"Karma! I am here to collect you for another mission," he explained. Karma groaned before stopping herself. She gulped.

"Yippee," she exclaimed unenthusiastically, "another mission." I smiled sympathetically before continuing to the elevator. My wristband beeped again.

"Gosh, I'm coming," I mumbled, annoyed.

I take a deep breath before opening the office door, then smiled at NYC before closing the door behind me. He didn't smile back—he was serious. "Rose, you're one of our best FA's," he began. I nodded, cheering myself on inside. "You and your brother both. You're very skilled, very patient. You follow most of the rules." I was in trouble. "All but one—Rose, you do know the rule, 'No attachments', correct?" I nodded.

"Yes, sir." He nodded, too.

"And so does your brother?" I nodded again. Did Austin have a secret relationship that I didn't know about? Or was this about my secret relationship that only Austin knew about? "So I don't see the problem here. Jake Tibbits—does that name sound familiar to you?" I let out a sigh. So this was about Jake. I nodded again.

"Yes, sir."

"Alright. So I see no problems here other than a simple broken rule which can be fixed." My expression lightened. Were the rules going to be changed? "Your relationship with Mr. Tibbits ends now." I knew this would happen, but I couldn't help but let my mouth fall slightly open. NYC looked up. "Karma?" The door swung open, and Karma, with her arms filled with files, stumbled into the room. She had an awkward look on her face.

"Hello, Sir," she said nervously. She'd just been caught eavesdropping. I held in a snicker. "I was told to bring these files to you."

"Put them on my desk. You two are excused." Karma set the files on his desk and we both walked out together. When the door closed behind us, we bursted out into a fit of laughter.

"You have a problem," I said pointedly to Karma. She giggled.

"Okay, well you have something to tell me. I thought you broke up with Jake when you joined the agency." I sighed. My laughter was gone.

"I didn't. I couldn't. He's too perfect for me and I'm too perfect for him. We can't break up." Karma pouted.

"Why do you two have to be the perfect couple?" She sighed, too, pressing the button on the elevator. "In all seriousness, the relationship is over now or never, Rose."

"I pick never."

"Rose." I looked down.

"Okay, okay. I'll end it when I get back."

2118 Brooklyn Waye

I opened the door. "Jake?" I called. My heart was thumping. "I'm home!" I glanced around the apartment. Jake turned the corner and smiled at me.

"There she is! I'd love to hear about my lovely girlfriend's lovely day," he said with a smile. I smiled back.

"It was okay. Just like the cafe, to be completely honest." Jake kissed my cheek. 

"Well, I've got something for you. You first, though." I could tell I had a puzzled look on my face now.

"What?" I asked.

"I can tell you have something you're dying to get off your chest. So," he sat on the couch, "you first. He gazed up at me with a look, his look, and I had to do it. Now or never.

"Well...I..." I think we should break up. "I think..." I think you're in danger. I'm the danger. My job s the danger. "I think I want to see what it is that you've got for me." I could do it later. Not now, though. Jake's face lightened. He stood up.

"Okay. Be right back." He made his way down the hall to the bedroom before turning back. "No peeking." I smiled and turned around as he went back into the room for a moment and then came back out. "You can look."

I turned around and gasped. He was on one knee, on the floor in front of me, with a box in his hand. I knew it. I shouldn't have waited. "Bailey Thordon, I'd like you to become Bailey Tibbits. I want to seal the deal." I looked down at him with my hands to my face. This is why he was excited. "What do you say?"

I can't. I say, Jake, you're in danger of me—we can't be together anymore because my secret agent boss says 'no attachments', and that won't work because I'm attached to you and if I say yes it'll just say the same. I say no because you and I are attached. "Yes," I hear myself saying, throwing my arms around him, except it's not me, because the real me would do what my boss says to do. But right now, I'm not the real me.

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