Part 1

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8:00 am

Alarm rings!!!!!!!...Car horns!!!!!!!

It's morning and all the people are busy going to work.But here Naina is still in bed trying to sleep a minute more.It has been over 5 years since she started working for JK Solutions in Paris.Never did she want to come nor work here but life brings the toughest challenges one could ever face.She tried to escape from home as her mom and dad have been fighting always trying to breakup but they couldn't do so as Naina's sister is still young.But the fights increased day by day that disturbed her mental peace and she decided to go out of her house.The only way she could go out was for work purpose as her parents won't allow her to leave.She applied for a job in Paris and came here expecting her life to take a turn and have a peaceful life.Life never goes as expected since the past five years she has been working her ass off but neither did she get promoted nor did she get and increment the only thing she ever got was increasing amount of stress and workload.But all she thought was it is better to stay rather than going back and see her parents fight over silly things.So,she was adamant and tried her best to do her job.

Naina Pov                                                                                                                                                                                    Who the hell is making such loud noises!!!Ahhh these car drivers with such loud horns!!!Buzzzzzzzz...My alarm...What is the time now?Oh God!Its already 8am.I am not gonna get late again and face that idiot boss's face again.I gotta get ready now.Where the hell are my brush and toothpaste!!!!!!Ohh found it right below my socks.Ahhhhhh!!!the sock stinks.Its been ages since I last washed it.Fine lets go to the bathroom and brush my teeth.After taking a step...Ouchhhhhh!!!Now what the heck is it this time.This hairpin had nowhere else to go ahh!!my feet it hurts.No time for whinning lets rush to the bathroom.                             

Naina has lived in a mess.She never had the time to even tidy her room.All she did was work.Tingggg!!goes the toaster.Naina comes out of bath.Gets ready and combs her hair.Wears socks grabs her coat and id.Rushes to the toaster stuffs her mouth with one bread and the other in hand.Takes the key from the drawer and rushes off to her office.

Naina Pov                                                                                                                                                                       Come on!!!!Its getting late.This traffic always gets on my nerves.Car horns!!!!Move your car you idiot.I'm getting late.God help me.Ahhh!!!Not again I'm 5mins late.Fine lets get straight into the office without facing that bastard.God!!God!!God!!Please let me go inside.

Naina....Someone calls her name.

Naina Pov                                                                                                                                                                                     It's over I got caught.Please not him someone save me.Saying Yes Sir!! I turn back to see his cunningly satisfied face.

Boss Pov                                                                                                                                                                                       Late again.Come meet me in my office.(Leaves)

Naina Pov                                                                                                                                                                                    My luck is the worst ever.Why the hell should i get caught by him of all people.(Enters his office)     Her eyes widen as she sees something........(To be continued)

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